GEOIP Database Update Issue: Documentation Followed, Databases Not Updating on Ingest Nodes

ahhhhh OK here is one thing.

The databases DO NOT load on ingest-only nodes... as the data is stored in an Index and ingest-only nodes do not have data i.e. do not have indices

GeoIP databases will ONLY load on Data Nodes... because that is where the data lives and thus the geoip index.

health status index            uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size dataset.size
green  open   .geoip_databases ZYBOAS9_SqiNx5Z3GxYAgQ   1   1         42           42     84.6mb         42.3mb       42.3mb

I know that is confusing but that is how it works...

So the Ingest Pipeline lives on an Ingest node but it calls a data node to do the GEOP Lookup...

I actually have a thread on this as well somewhere I will see if I can find it...

So, you need to enable the loading of the databases on the data nodes...

Or on the cluster as a whole through the cluster settings...

Is the loading enabled on the Data Nodes? '

Maybe look at this thread