Geoip in logstash filter makes filebeat pods stop running (0/1: running) after approximately 24 hours

Hello everyone,

I am using filebeat and send the logs to logstash, and in logstash i am using plugin 'geoip' like this:

geoip {
  source => "source.ip"
  target => "[source][geo]"
geoip {
  default_database_type => "ASN"
  source => "source.ip"
  target => "[source][as]"

After deploy it, it works fine but after approximately 24 hours the pods of filebeat stop sending logs to logstash and gives me timeout, and its state become running 0/1.

When i restart logstash again, everything works fine for 24 hours, and problem appears again.

How i can solve this issue ?


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