I have to replace the @timestamp in kibana with the timestamp in my log.But when i try to do that it doesn't replace, but it adds a _dateparsefailure tag.
Here is my filter
filter {
break_on_match => false
pattern_definitions => { "mssg" => "((Msg|message|Message|message1|message2|Message1|Message2) [=])"
"nhchg" => "%{WORD} -> %{WORD}"
"debug" => "NDP-DBG"
match => {
"message" => ["%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{WORD:node}:%{WORD:program}:%{INT:pid} %{WORD:tracetype}.*%{mssg} \"%{GREEDYDATA:Message}\""]
"Message" => ["%{debug:NDPdebug}:%{DATA:function}:%{INT:line}:: %{GREEDYDATA:msg}", "NexthopId %{WORD:nexthop_id}", "state %{WORD:state}", "event %{WORD:event}", "Prefix %{DATA:prefix}/", "NhType_change %{nhchg:nhtype_change}"]
date {
match => ["timestamp","ISO8601","yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]
target => "@timestamp"
Here is my log
2020-04-28 16:47:43.663882033 re0:ndp:13273 lltp_debug message = "NDP-DBG:ndp_dad_stop:273:: ndp_dad_stop: DAD structure not found"