Getting [esaggs] > "field" is a required parameter when pipelining with logstash

Output without plugin, with logstash

root@ubuntu-s-2vcpu-4gb-blr1-01:~# curl localhost:9200/_cat/indices
yellow open filebeat-2020.04.30      qKQlYmodS4uEEjkPIA4r4w 1 1 8868  0   4.3mb   4.3mb
green  open .kibana_task_manager_1   UxaoKzodTj6-5I9ttLqwOg 1 0    2  0  43.3kb  43.3kb
green  open .apm-agent-configuration bkS9y9AuQ_W9f4MibgrdhQ 1 0    0  0    283b    283b
green  open .kibana_1                BQ1Zq9weTCqr8PsSwDc39Q 1 0 1326 51 733.4kb 733.4kb

Output without plugin and logstash

I am using 7.6.2 version.
Tested with 7.5.x and 7.6.x

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