Global field


I have two different logfiles.

Construction of the first one:

TabellenName      -A      12 -D      323  
TabellenName      -A      329 -D      323  
TabellenName      -A      12 -D      12,3
TabellenName      -A      12 -D      323  

Construction of the second one:

Message Successfully 
03/19/18 15:45:23

logstash.conf has the following structure for the first file:

  if [fields][LogEvent] == "Tabelle" {
           mutate {gsub => ["message", "[,]", ""]}
           grok {
                   match => {"message" => "%{GREEDYDATA:Tabelle} -A%{NUMBER:KorrespondezA}: \s* %{GREEDYDATA:DatensaetzeA:int} -D%{NUMBER:KorrespondezD}: \s* %{GREEDYDATA:DatensaetzeD:int}"}
                   remove_field => ["message"]
           grok {
                   match => {"message" => "%{DATE:Datum}-%{TIME:Uhrzeit}"}
                   add_field => {"timestamp" => "%{Datum} %{Uhrzeit}"}
                   remove_field => ["Datum", "Uhrzeit", "message"}
           date {
                   match => ["timestamp", "dd.MM.yy HH:mm:ss"]
                   target => ["@timestamp"]
                   remove_field => ["timestamp"]
           mutate {gsub => ["Tabelle", "[.]", ""]}
           if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
                   drop {}

The logstash.conf has the following structure for the second file:

    if [fields][LogEvent] == "delete_create" {
            if "Creation Time" in [message] {
                    grok {
                            match => {"message" => "%{DATE:Datum} %{TIME:Uhrzeit}"}
                            add_field => {"timestamp" => "%{Datum} %{Uhrzeit}"}
                            remove_field => ["Datum", "Uhrzeit", "message"]
                   date {
                           match => ["timestamp", "MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss"]
                           target => ["@timestamp"]
                           remove_field => ["timestamp"]
            if "Successfully" in [message] {
                    grok {
                            match => {"message" => "%{WORD:Status}"}
                            remove_field => ["message"]
            mutate {add_field => {"newmessage" => "%{timestamp} %{Status}"}}

So the problem I have is to write the timestamp before the Message.
Example for the second file:

03/19/18 15:45:23  Successfully

After that I want a grok filter to parse the newmessage field. So that the message line in the Logfile will be set to the timestamp where the logfile had been created and not "today/now" where it has been read into the ELK-Stack.

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