Google pubsub input keeps sending 'Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.'


This is my Dockerfile.

ENV SSL_CERT_FILE /opt/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/certs/cacert.pem
RUN logstash-plugin install logstash-input-google_pubsub

This is my logstash conf.

input {
    google_pubsub {
        project_id => "project"
        topic => "topic"
        subscription => "logstash-sub"
        json_key_file => "/mnt/sa.json"
output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } }

While logstash is running, the error message keeps on flushing out. It stills receive published message if I published a test message.
The error logs:

[2018-02-22T12:11:33,707][INFO ][logstash.runner          ] Starting Logstash {"logstash.version"=>"6.2.2"}
[2018-02-22T12:11:34,578][INFO ][logstash.agent           ] Successfully started Logstash API endpoint {:port=>9600}
[2018-02-22T12:11:41,419][INFO ][logstash.pipeline        ] Starting pipeline {:pipeline_id=>"main", "pipeline.workers"=>2, "pipeline.batch.size"=>125, "pipeline.batch.delay"=>50}
[2018-02-22T12:11:45,937][INFO ][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Client authorizataion with JSON key ready
[2018-02-22T12:11:45,978][INFO ][logstash.pipeline        ] Pipeline started succesfully {:pipeline_id=>"main", :thread=>"#<Thread:0x3e876cbc run>"}
[2018-02-22T12:11:46,349][INFO ][logstash.agent           ] Pipelines running {:count=>1, :pipelines=>["main"]}
[2018-02-22T12:12:11,039][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:12:31,530][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:12:52,045][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:13:12,671][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:13:33,145][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:13:52,999][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:14:12,705][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:14:33,249][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:14:53,807][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:15:14,310][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:15:34,964][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:15:55,734][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:16:16,480][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:16:37,003][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:16:57,529][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:17:18,050][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
    "raw_message" => "hello",
       "@version" => "1",
     "@timestamp" => 2018-02-22T12:17:19.836Z
[2018-02-22T12:17:42,779][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:18:03,511][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:18:24,187][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:18:44,793][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.
[2018-02-22T12:19:05,283][ERROR][logstash.inputs.googlepubsub] Error 400: You have not specified an ack ID in the request.

Anyone has an idea what is the issue? Thanks.

For reference, this issue is in discussion in the plugin's github repo.

As message subscription is still fine, I just ignore those overwhelming error logs.

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