Greedydata not working for part of the log record

I've a log record for which I've written the grok pattern (both pasted below),

120-155473611354900075^|^UPC^|^Optimus^|^^|^2019-05-15 19:06:47.233356^|^9560041297^|^syniverse^|^Read^|^1.233063^|^1^|^""^|^"{\"status_info\":{\"code\":\"200\",\"message\":\"Success\"},\"params\":{\"requestId\":\"6113784483100000433\",\"uri\":\"\\/v1\\/services\\/919560041297?lineOfBusiness=Mobility\"},\"services\":[{\"si\":\"919560041297\",\"rtn\":\"9928454369\",\"circle\":\"Delhi\",\"cust_cat\":\"Platinum\",\"cust_class\":\"Airtel Employee\",\"cust_type\":\"Consumer\",\"org_name\":\"Bharti Airtel Ltd\",\"act_date\":\"20160620130341\",\"vipflag\":\"Normal\",\"biz_unit\":\"Mobility\",\"value_type\":\"Platinum\",\"arpu\":\"42.5\",\"si_lob\":\"POSTPAID\",\"si_is_btfly\":\"1\",\"si_seg\":\"SILVER3\",\"devices\":{}}]}"


My issue is, the part of the record with "http....." till the end, I want to parse it as greedydata. But that just doesn't happen. Can anyone please help me out here.

Please edit your post, select the log message and grok pattern and click on </> in the toolbar above the edit pane. Then verify in the preview pane on the right that they actually look like your data and pattern. Thanks!

I can see that I've already done what you have asked me to. I don't know why it isn't reflecting on your end.

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