Grok field extract: One pattern, multiple matches

Oracle alert logs contain multiple ORA- codes. I can't figure how to tell grok to match all and return an array of the matches.

 if [msg] =~ /ORA-/ {
    grok {
       match => [ "msg","(?<ora_code>ORA-[0-9]+)" ]

Log example might have:

ORA-12345: some message ORA-45678: some other message

Is it possible?

You're looking for break_on_match => false :slightly_smiling_face:

That didn't do the trick. Tried this:

 if [msg] =~ /ORA-/ {
    grok {
       break_on_match => false
       match => [ "msg","(?<ora_code>ORA-[0-9]+)" ]

d'oh! that flag will keep looking at patterns but not at the input after a match. I think I can whip up something quick with a ruby script for you though.

Use ruby.

  code => "
    s = event.get('message')
    r = s.scan(/(ORA-[0-9]{5})/)
    r = r.flatten
    event.set('OracleErrors', r.join('/'))

Actually, if you want an array, do not do the join, just set OracleErrors to r.

That did the trick. Thanks.

  if [msg] =~ /ORA-/ {
     ruby {
        code => "
           mat = event.get('msg').scan(/(ORA-[0-9]+)/)
           event.set('ora_code', mat.flatten)

I whipped up a quick ruby filter with tests that capture edge-cases (such as the event not having a value at msg, or the string containing no matches):

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