Grok filter isn't working but working in kibana grok debugger

Hi. I have the following logstash configuration:

filter {
    if "platform1" in [tags] { 
        grok {
          match => { 
            "message" => ['%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}? ?\[?L?:? ?%{LOGLEVEL:logLevel}?\]? ?\[?O?:? ?(%{USERNAME:O}|%{NUMBER:O})?\]? ?\[?I?:? ?(%{USERNAME:I}|%{NUMBER:I})?\]? ?\[?U?:? ?(%{EMAILADDRESS:U}|%{NUMBER:U})?\]? ?\[?S?:? ?(%{USERNAME:S}|%{NUMBER:S})?\]? ?\[?P?:? ?(%{USERNAME:P}|%{NUMBER:P})?\]? ?\[?T?:? ?(%{USERNAME:T}|%{NUMBER:T})?\]? ?%{GREEDYDATA:logMessage}'] 
    } else if "blob_logs" in [fields][logType] {
        grok {
          match => {
            "message" => ['#?%{WORD}?:?%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}? ?#?%{WORD}?:?%{WORD:timezone}? ?#?%{WORD}?:?%{LOGLEVEL:logLevel}? ?#?%{WORD}?:?%{HOSTNAME:host}? ?#?%{WORD}?:?%{IP:ip}? ?#?%{WORD}?:?%{NUMBER:transaction_id}? ?#?%{WORD}?:?%{NUMBER:request_id}? ?#?%{WORD}?:?%{NUMBER:ownservice_id}? ?#?%{WORD}?:?%{NUMBER:destservice_id}? ?#?%{WORD}?:?%{WORD:type}? ?#?%{WORD}?:?%{USERNAME:class}? ?#?%{GREEDYDATA:message}'] 
    } else {
        grok { 
        match => { "message" => ['%{LOGLEVEL:logLevel}%{GREEDYDATA:logMessage}'] } 

And I'm trying to parse smth like this:

#Date:2023-03-30 14:27:03.818#TimeZone:UTC#Severity:INFO 169#Method:uploadBlob#Message:file instance created

In grok debugger everything is going well, but in kibana I see just unparsed message. There is no _grokparsefailure tag.

What I'm doing wrong? Thanks

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