Grok Filter only parses the first event matching the pattern


For a requirement I created grok pattern to parse the log contents. When I run the logstash it matches the first occurence of the pattern and displays the output. If once again I copy-paste the log that matches the pattern its doesnot parse the line and aslo does not display any output. It is a multiline grok-pattern

  1. Run the logstash
  2. make an entry in the log file the lines that matches the pattern.
  3. In the logstash console it displays the output.
  4. Make the same copy-paste the same lines in the log-file with minor changes such as change the date value and save the file.
  5. View the logstash console nothing displays.

Note: If I copy-paste the matching pattern lines or if I put some different log format log entry and again paste the matching pattern lines. Nothing happens. If press CTRL+C it displays all output as grokfailure.

Could anyone guide what I am missing and suggest any suggestions. Below is my Grok pattern and a sample log line

file {
path => "C:/Users/1584674/Downloads/logstash-tutorial/logstash-tutorial-dataset.log"
start_position => "beginning"
ignore_older => 0
sincedb_path => "nil"
type => "javaStackTrace"
codec => multiline {
pattern => "^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601}"
negate => true
what => previous

"message"=>"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{SPACE}[%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel}]%{SPACE}[%{DATA:thread}] %{SPACE}%{JAVACLASS:exceptiontypeclass} - %{DATA:logmessage}\n%{GREEDYDATA:Exception}%{SPACE}(?m)%{JAVASTACKTRACEPART}"

Sample log (Matching):
2019-01-09 15:00:05.800 [ERROR] [http-nio-9096-exec-1] com.mcs.exapmle.exception.GlobalExceptionFacade - Application encountered as unexpected error
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at com.mcs.exapmle.service.impl.DashboardOverviewServiceImpl.mcstBusinessSpend( ~[bin/:?]

2019-01-09 15:00:03.724 [INFO ] [pool-3-thread-4] com.mcs.exapmle.service.impl.CallableDashboard - Query to retrieve Discount participation

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