Grok match and divide string to multiple fields


I want to match a syslog string and match into corresponding fields. Here is the message in question:

Jul 06 2018 08:04:18: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic UDP translation from any: to OUTSIDE-VRF180:
Jul 6 00:00:02 %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 22180105 for INSIDE-VRF4100: to SDN-VRF110: duration 0:02:01 bytes 66

The grok filter i'm running against this is the following:

grok {
        match => ["message", "%{SYSLOGHOST:ciscotag}%{GREEDYDATA:cisco_message}"]  

However, so the problem is that not all messages have timestamp and therefore i cannot match on the timestamp first. What i would like is a filter that could correctly parse each syslog message if the message contains a timestamp and also match correctly if does not contain a timestamp. Sort of like an "or" statement i think?



So i used Incremental Construction of Grok Patterns in progress to try and construct a grok filter that matches on timestamp and this is what i came up with:


On the grokconstructor website it successfully matches but when i try it in logstash i get some of the timestamp in "ciscotag" for example. So the match fails and it gets tagged "_grokparsefailure".

On the grokconstructor website it successfully matches but when i try it in logstash i get some of the timestamp in "ciscotag" for example. So the match fails and it gets tagged "_grokparsefailure".

What does that event look like? Use a stdout { codec => rubydebug } output to dump the raw event.

Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:               "@timestamp" => 2018-07-06T11:58:50.367Z,
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:                "cendotSID" => "S136156",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:            "src_interface" => "outside",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:               "cendotFQDN" => "FQDNserver.hello",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:                "direction" => "outbound",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:            "dst_mapped_ip" => "",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:                 "src_port" => "80",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:            "src_mapped_ip" => "",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:                 "protocol" => "TCP",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:                     "host" => "",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:                  "message" => "06 2018 13:58:49: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 2894463360 for outside: ( to inside: (\n",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:            "connection_id" => "2894463360",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:                     "tags" => [
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:         [0] "syslog",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:         [1] "pre-processed",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:         [2] "Firewall",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:         [3] "ASA",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:         [4] "log01"
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:     ],
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:          "dst_mapped_port" => "50274",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:                 "@version" => "1",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:        "cendotServiceName" => "firewall",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:     "syslog_severity_code" => 5,
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:     "syslog_facility_code" => 1,
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:          "src_mapped_port" => "80",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:                 "ciscotag" => "Jul",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:          "syslog_severity" => "notice",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:                   "action" => "Built",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:                   "src_ip" => "",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:            "dst_interface" => "inside",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:                   "dst_ip" => "",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:          "syslog_facility" => "user-level",
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]:                 "dst_port" => "50274"
Jul 06 13:59:14 sealijvblog01 logstash[63437]: }

You can see that the ciscotag has Jul (For july) and the message contains part of the timestamp as well as the ciscotag.

Where's the _grokparsefailure tag? What does the configuration look like?

I've figured out the root cause of the error. The firewall in question which are generating the events which causes a _grokparsefailure is a ASA firepower with the SFR module. The logs from it looks either like this:

SFR requested to drop TCP packet from OUTSIDE-VRF180: to INSIDE-VRF4100:

or like this:

SFR requested ASA to bypass further packet redirection and process TCP flow from INSIDE-VRF4100: to OUTSIDE-VRF180: locally

And if i'm not mistaken, logstash has no support for this? So i would have to right my own grok filter?

Because i want to have similiar functionality that the supported cisco patterns implement, like "action" "src_ip" "src_port" etc.

And if i'm not mistaken, logstash has no support for this? So i would have to right my own grok filter?

I have no idea what Cisco-related grok patterns Logstash has support for out of the box, but if it doesn't you'll have to roll your own.

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