Grok match everything up to certain character sequence?

Hi guys,

does anybody know how to grok all text from log entry until certain character sequence?

For example, how to seperate only

SiteController::actionThankYou() Displaying random premium game.

from the following log entry:

[Wed Feb 22 18:09:30.705389 2017] [:error] [pid 28652] [client] INFO: SiteController::actionThankYou() Displaying random premium game. [game id 3439] [Project Id: 32] [Project AdrenoGame Id: 32], referer:

I have grok construction for the preceding data (I can post it if needed).

Thank you in advance

You can use %{GREEDYDATA} (i.e. .*) to match any character sequence.

@magnusbaeck Thank you for quick reply

%{GREEDYDATA} will select all text upon the end of the log entry. I need to select text only upon character sequence "[game id 3439]" (game id will be another field).

I've made following grok construction:

\[%{APACHE_ERROR_TIME:timestamp}\] \[:%{DATA:messagetype}\] \[pid %{NUMBER:pid}\] \[client %{IPV4:proxyaddr}:%{NUMBER:localport}\] %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel}: (?<action>.*\[g)

Applied to mentioned log entry, I got following:

  "timestamp": [
      "Wed Feb 22 18:09:30.705389 2017"
  "DAY": [
  "MONTH": [
  "TIME": [
  "HOUR": [
  "MINUTE": [
  "SECOND": [
  "YEAR": [
  "messagetype": [
  "pid": [
  "BASE10NUM": [
  "proxyaddr": [
  "localport": [
  "loglevel": [
  "action": [
      "SiteController::actionThankYou() Displaying random premium game. [g"

I just need to cut last 3 characters in action field - " [g"

I tried multiple combinations, without success...

\[%{APACHE_ERROR_TIME:timestamp}\] \[:%{DATA:messagetype}\] \[pid %{NUMBER:pid}\] \[client %{IPV4:proxyaddr}:%{NUMBER:localport}\] %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel}: %{DATA:Action}. \[%{DATA:gid}\] %{GREEDYDATA}

Try this!!

1 Like

Yes, you got it, it is working :slight_smile:

Just seperated dot and added another %{DATA} field. Great.

Thank you very much

%{GREEDYDATA} will select all text upon the end of the log entry.

No, that's not true. It matches any (possibly empty) character sequence.

Thank you @magnusbaeck and @riddhijit_roy

I now figured out how %{GREEDYDATA} works


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