Grok mis-function on logstash 5.0

When I tried to grok parse my log like below, logstash doesn't give me error but bunch of adding patterns everytime before it parses the data. Is it right?

My Grok:
match => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGBASE} %{GREEDYDATA:message}" }
overwrite => [ "message" ]

Logstash response (to list a few):
[2016-09-28T22:00:24,906][INFO ][logstash.filters.grok ] Adding pattern {"S3_REQUEST_LINE"=>"(?:%{WORD:verb} %{NOTSPACE:request}(?: HTTP/%{NUMBER:httpversion})?|%{DATA:rawrequest})"}
[2016-09-28T22:00:24,909][INFO ][logstash.filters.grok ] Adding pattern {"S3_ACCESS_LOG"=>"%{WORD:owner} %{NOTSPACE:bucket} \[%{HTTPDATE:timestamp}\] %{IP:clientip} %{NOTSPACE:requester} %{NOTSPACE:request_id} %{NOTSPACE:operation} %{NOTSPACE:key} (?:"%{S3_REQUEST_LINE}"|-) (?:%{INT:response:int}|-) (?:-|%{NOTSPACE:error_code}) (?:%{INT:bytes:int}|-) (?:%{INT:object_size:int}|-) (?:%{INT:request_time_ms:int}|-) (?:%{INT:turnaround_time_ms:int}|-) (?:%{QS:referrer}|-) (?:"?%{QS:agent}"?|-) (?:-|%{NOTSPACE:version_id})"}
[2016-09-28T22:00:24,909][INFO ][logstash.filters.grok ] Adding pattern {"ELB_URIPATHPARAM"=>"%{URIPATH:path}(?:%{URIPARAM:params})?"}
[2016-09-28T22:00:24,910][INFO ][logstash.filters.grok ] Adding pattern {"ELB_URI"=>"%{URIPROTO:proto}://(?:%{USER}(?::[^@]*)?@)?(?:%{URIHOST:urihost})?(?:%{ELB_URIPATHPARAM})?"}

When I tried to grok parse my log like below, logstash doesn't give me error

Why would it give you an error?

but bunch of adding patterns everytime before it parses the data. Is it right?

Yes, this is expected. It's reading the patterns from the pattern files and adding them to its in-memory collection of patterns.

But it is doing this "adding pattern" everytime i launch logstash. Does it not remember them in cache memory if only within a short time?

But it is doing this "adding pattern" everytime i launch logstash.


Does it not remember them in cache memory if only within a short time?

No, there's no grok pattern cache.