I've been constructing a grok filter for a log that has lines like the one below:
2018-09-19 03:48:46.900-05:00 [HOST:hostname.domain.com][SERVER:VariableString][PID:35570][THR:3726157568][Kernel XML API][Trace] XML Command: <st><sst><st><cmd><get_svrdef_settings/></cmd></st></sst></st>
I've got the following grok that finally stopped erroring out in the logstash logs, but now does not actually parse correctly:
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{DATA:logdate}\[HOST:%{DATA:host}\]\[SERVER:%{DATA:server}\]\[PID:%{BASE10NUM}:pid}\]\[THR:%{BASE10NUM}:thread\]\[Kernel XML API\]\[Trace\]\s*%{GREEDYDATA:xml_stuff}"}
I've gone through a couple revisions including changing the first DATA to %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601} but that had the same result.