Grok parse failure on working grok debugger


I have a _grokparsefailure but I cant find why as my grok test all succed.

here is the log:

Loaded archive '56b530f7-ddc2-40c3-9a26-3551c850e897' to hosts running group.\nDeploying to API Gateway 'GW-1'...\nDeploying to API Gateway 'GW-2'...\nGateway instance [GW-1] deployment failed with [8] error(s).\nFailure reason: Failed to refresh the Service: Version mismatch error: API Gateway has version 7.6.2, new configuration has version 7.5.3\nGateway instance [GW-2] deployment failed with [8] error(s).\nFailure reason: Failed to refresh the Service: Version mismatch error: API Gateway has version 7.6.2, new configuration has version 7.5.3\nFailures detected, rolling back deployment...\nDeploying to API Gateway 'GW-1'...\nDeployed to API Gateway 'GW-1' successfully.\nCompleted successfully.\nGateway instance [GW-1] rolled-back deployment to [45b54d3c-52c3-44df-ab5a-d2a2f2c55635] archive ID.\nDeploying to API Gateway 'GW-2'...\nDeployed to API Gateway 'GW-2' successfully.\nCompleted successfully.\nGateway instance [GW-2] rolled-back deployment to [45b54d3c-52c3-44df-ab5a-d2a2f2c55635] archive ID.

and here is my grok

%{GREEDYDATA:archive_number} to hosts running group%{GREEDYDATA}Gateway instance \[GW-1\] %{GREEDYDATA:deploy_GW-1}\\nGateway instance \[GW-2\] %{GREEDYDATA:deploy_GW-2}\\nFailures detected%{GREEDYDATA:infos}

just to be sure, to take the log parsed by logstash I added it inside a field like this:

mutate {
	add_field => {
			"api_deployment_message" => "%{[message]}"
			tags => "grok_failure_path"
				grok {
					match => { "api_deployment_message" => "%{GREEDYDATA:archive_number} to hosts running group%{GREEDYDATA:testing}Gateway instance \[GW-1\] %{GREEDYDATA:deploy_GW-1}\\nGateway instance \[GW-2\] %{GREEDYDATA:deploy_GW-2}\\nFailures detected%{GREEDYDATA:infos}" }

I'm wondering if there is double quote invisible on the begging.

Any clues ?



Taking a step back, you have a multiline message

Loaded archive '56b530f7-ddc2-40c3-9a26-3551c850e897' to hosts running group.
Deploying to API Gateway 'GW-1'...
Deploying to API Gateway 'GW-2'...
Gateway instance [GW-1] deployment failed with [8] error(s).
Failure reason: Failed to refresh the Service: Version mismatch error: API Gateway has version 7.6.2, new configuration has version 7.5.3
Gateway instance [GW-2] deployment failed with [8] error(s).
Failure reason: Failed to refresh the Service: Version mismatch error: API Gateway has version 7.6.2, new configuration has version 7.5.3
Failures detected, rolling back deployment...
Deploying to API Gateway 'GW-1'...
Deployed to API Gateway 'GW-1' successfully.
Completed successfully.
Gateway instance [GW-1] rolled-back deployment to [45b54d3c-52c3-44df-ab5a-d2a2f2c55635] archive ID.
Deploying to API Gateway 'GW-2'...
Deployed to API Gateway 'GW-2' successfully.
Completed successfully.
Gateway instance [GW-2] rolled-back deployment to [45b54d3c-52c3-44df-ab5a-d2a2f2c55635] archive ID.

What do you want to extract from that? What do you want your output to look like?

Hi @Badger,

so here is the result I got in my parsing, that correspond to my needs:

  "archive_number": "Loaded archive '56b530f7-ddc2-40c3-9a26-3551c850e897'",
  "deploy_GW-2": "deployment failed with [8] error(s).\\nFailure reason:  Failed to refresh the Service: Version mismatch error: API Gateway has version 7.6.2, new configuration has version 7.5.3",
  "deploy_GW-1": "deployment failed with [8] error(s).\\nFailure reason:  Failed to refresh the Service: Version mismatch error: API Gateway has version 7.6.2, new configuration has version 7.5.3",
  "infos": ", rolling back deployment...\\nDeploying to API Gateway 'GW-1'...\\nDeployed to API Gateway 'GW-1' successfully.\\nCompleted successfully.\\nGateway instance [GW-1] rolled-back deployment to [45b54d3c-52c3-44df-ab5a-d2a2f2c55635] archive ID.\\nDeploying to API Gateway 'GW-2'...\\nDeployed to API Gateway 'GW-2' successfully.\\nCompleted successfully.\\nGateway instance [GW-2] rolled-back deployment to [45b54d3c-52c3-44df-ab5a-d2a2f2c55635] archive ID."


Do not match the entire message to a pattern that contains several GREEDYDATA fields. A slight change in the input that prevents a match will make that extremely expensive. Instead go after each piece separately, and anchor the patterns to the start of a line.

    grok {
        break_on_match => false
        match => {
            "message" => [
                # "^Loaded archive '%{DATA:archive_number}' to hosts running group" ?
                "^%{DATA:archive_number} to hosts running group",
                "^Failures detected%{GREEDYDATA:infos}",
                "^Gateway instance \[GW-1\] %{DATA:deploy_GW-1}^(Gateway instance|Failures detected)",
                "^Gateway instance \[GW-2\] %{DATA:deploy_GW-2}^(Gateway instance|Failures detected)"
        remove_field => [ "message" ]

will produce the output you want, but is more robust to changes.

HI @Badger,

thanks ! that worked for my initial message. Now I feel that I can do a better thing here is the root problem:

My filebeat read a file that is filled when a deployement happen. This file can contain a success :

map is: {}
map is: {}
No passphrase changed.
Loading archive '93e4388b-e776-4373-b715-a61f8cd89e3e' to hosts running selected API Gateways...
Loaded archive '93e4388b-e776-4373-b715-a61f8cd89e3e' to hosts running group.
Deploying to API Gateway 'GW-1'...
Deployed to API Gateway 'GW-1' successfully.
Deploying to API Gateway 'GW-2'...
Deployed to API Gateway 'GW-2' successfully.
Completed successfully.
Gateway instance [GW-1] deployed with [12] error(s).
Gateway instance [GW-2] deployed with [12] error(s).

or a failure:

map is: {}
map is: {}
No passphrase changed.
Loading archive '56b530f7-ddc2-40c3-9a26-3551c850e897' to hosts running selected API Gateways...
Loaded archive '56b530f7-ddc2-40c3-9a26-3551c850e897' to hosts running group.
Deploying to API Gateway 'GW-1'...
Deploying to API Gateway 'GW-2'...
Gateway instance [GW-1] deployment failed with [8] error(s).
Failure reason:  Failed to refresh the Service: Version mismatch error: API Gateway has version 7.6.2, new configuration has version 7.5.3
Gateway instance [GW-2] deployment failed with [8] error(s).
Failure reason:  Failed to refresh the Service: Version mismatch error: API Gateway has version 7.6.2, new configuration has version 7.5.3
Failures detected, rolling back deployment...
Deploying to API Gateway 'GW-1'...
Deployed to API Gateway 'GW-1' successfully.
Completed successfully.
Gateway instance [GW-1] rolled-back deployment to [45b54d3c-52c3-44df-ab5a-d2a2f2c55635] archive ID.
Deploying to API Gateway 'GW-2'...
Deployed to API Gateway 'GW-2' successfully.
Completed successfully.
Gateway instance [GW-2] rolled-back deployment to [45b54d3c-52c3-44df-ab5a-d2a2f2c55635] archive ID.
Deployment failed!!!

With that I have two problems:

How to send the entire file with filebeat ? ie: to be sure to send the entire document and not some lines of it when the deployement is running ?

How to detect if it's a failure or a success on Logstash level to parse it differently ?

Cheers !

I do not use filebeat so I cannot comment on the first question. For the second, a failure contains the word "Failure" so deciding whether the overall message is a success or failure would just be

if "Failure" in [message]

That what I used in logstash yes. I will see for Filebeat configuration then.

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