Grok parse failure splitting in to 3 blocks

I have a log file, with multiple lines like so

03-Jul-2020 10:24:00.773 +01:00 [ERR] this is the error message message

I have a grok filter trying to extract the log in 3 separate blocks

1. DateTime 
2. Priority 
3. Message

my filter does not seem to be parsing the information

 "tags": [

grok {

        match => { "message" => "%{MONTHDAY}[./-]%{MONTH}[./-]%{YEAR}[ ]%{HOUR}[./::]%{MINUTE}[./::]%{SECOND}[ ]%{ISO8601_TIMEZONE} /[%{WORD:priority}/] " }


They should be backslashes, not forward slashes.

That said, I would do this using dissect, not grok.

dissect { mapping => { "message" => "%{[@metadata][ts]} %{+[@metadata][ts]} %{+[@metadata][ts]} [%{pri}] %{msg}" } }

Looks like you could you use the grok debugger.

It allows you to build your grokpattern incrementally. So you could start with
... and go from there to build the complete pattern.

Also have a look at the patterns section, there could be more complex patterns you could use.

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grok {
       match => { "message" => "%{MONTHDAY:day}-%{MONTH:month}-%{YEAR:year} %{TIME:time} %{ISO8601_TIMEZONE} \[%{WORD:priority}\] %{GREEDYDATA:log_message}" }

mutate {
            add_field => {
                "logdate" => "%{year}-%{month}-%{day} %{time}"

       date {
           match => [ "logdate", "yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS" ]

           remove_field => [ "day", "month", "year", "time", "logdate" ] 

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