[GROK][Pattern] Match any char except \n

So I have this log data:

> 12:03:55,117 ERROR  [My.Super.Cool.Java.Class] (main-executor-threads - 213)  This is an Exception message example: package.myProject.MyException: You cannot do whatever you are trying to do because of this Exception
>    at My.Super.Cool.Java.Class.MySuperMethod(MyJavaFile.java:123) [Slakh-] 
>    at My.Super.Cool.Java.Class2.MySuperMethod2(MyJavaFile2.java:123) [classes:]
>    at RestOfStackTrace...

Here's the result I'm looking for:

"@version": "1",

"Level": "ERROR",
"Exception": "package.myProject.MyException"
"ExceptionMessage": "You cannot do whatever you are trying to do because of this Exception"

And here's what I'm getting:

> "@version": "1",
> 	...
> 	...
> 	"Level": "ERROR",
> 	"Exception": "package.myProject.MyException: You cannot do whatever you are trying to do because of this Exception\n\tat My.Super.Cool.Java.Class.MySuperM..."
> 	"ExceptionMessage": " You cannot do whatever you are trying to do because of this Exception\n\tat My.Super.Cool.Java.Class.MySuperM..."

Here is my filter:

>    MY_EXCEPTION package.myProject.MyException:\s%{GREEDYDATA:ExceptionMessage}
>     ...%{ERROR:Level}\s*%{GREEDYDATA}%{MY_EXCEPTION:Exception}%{GREEDYDATA}...

To sum up, what I want is to tell Grok that for "ExceptionMessage"; it should take only what's after "package.myProject.MyException" IN THAT LINE. It should leave all what's after the second line.
I spent some time looking for that pattern but I couldn't solve this issue, so I'm kind of stuck here.

I hope my problem is clear.

Thank you.

Have you thought about using multiline codec, and on it, using max_lines setting?:


Thank you for your answer.
I think that if I use the max_lines setting, I will lose all the rest of the StackTrace... am I right?
Because I show the whole StackTrace at first and then I apply the filters on it.

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