Grok Printer Log issue

I want to grok the Printer Log and provide 10 records sample are below.

ABC00720,ABC00720_NB,TCPRINT501,5,1491672,A4,Microsoft Outlook - 備忘錄樣式,2018/08/01,22:42:42
ABC03951,ABC03951_NB,RDPRINT501,6,545477,Letter (8.5 x 11"),DesignWare Cores Ethernet MAC Universal Databook, Version 3.73a,2018/07/31,21:40:24
ABC00137,ABC00137,TCPRINT502,1,988253,Letter (8.5 x 11"),費用-201807(含將群, 北美, 三達).xls,2018/07/24,16:24:56
ABC02563,ABC02563,TCPRINT501,5,1768223,Letter (8.5 x 11"),CNN Architectures: LeNet, AlexNet, VGG, GoogLeNet, ResNet and more ….,2018/07/23,10:36:48
ABC02805,ABC02805,RDPRINT202,1,424465,Japanese Envelope Chou #3,婚禮確認單_20190605 0900 小明 CRY.pdf,2018/07/20,15:13:49
ABC00858,ABC00858,SZPRINT201,1,365519,Letter (8.5 x 11"),20180627 NB51026, NA51046, NA51051 MP Mask List.xlsx,2018/07/19,08:55:24
ABC00137,ABC00137,TCPRINT501,1,733614,Letter (8.5 x 11"),CNN-201807獎金報表(Round公式,修黎明18%,不扣健保費)_扣除MD-胡小明.xls,2018/07/18,09:05:43
ABC00137,ABC00137,TCPRINT501,1,3054019,Letter (8.5 x 11"),20180703_2018Q3(07-01~09-30)到期之維護費(附收據)(122件,NTD685,500)_含收據.pdf,2018/07/12,10:41:36
ABC00134,ABC00134,TCPRINT401,17,23198140,16K 195x270 mm,Ch8-2018.pdf,2018/07/23,15:15:24
XA00256,XA00256,TCPRINT501,17,3250397,A4,Fast, Accurate, and, Lightweight Super-Resolution with Cascading Residual Network.pdf,2018/07/16,14:14:23

The Record column in order by User, Computer, Printer, Page, Size, Page Type, File Name, Date, Time. Total have 9 columns. I try to grok these log, but just only row 1 is correct. other record (row 2~10) get error data.

My grok format is
grok {
match => {
"message" => "%{GREEDYDATA:User},%{GREEDYDATA:Computer},%{GREEDYDATA:Printer},%{GREEDYDATA:Page},%{GREEDYDATA:Size},%{GREEDYDATA:PageType},%{GREEDYDATA:FileName},%{GREEDYDATA:PrintDate},%{GREEDYDATA:PrintTime}\s"

How to get correct grok parse?



I would try csv filter instead of grok. Did you try it for this use case?


Hi Alesnav,

Thank for your Reply, I had try to use CSV filter, but i don't know how to set the separator parameter with default value ",". but file name value have "," sign.

The default separator for csv filter is "," as shown in so you don't have to configure it if you don't want to.

Hi alesnav,
Thank for your reply.
I know that the default separator is "," But the file name include "," , So it will get _csvparsefailure in tag and can't parse it.

For example in Row 2, the file name is "DesignWare Cores Ethernet MAC Universal Databook, Version 3.73a"

CSV Filter
csv {
columns => ["User","Computer","Printer","Pages","Size","PageType","FileName","PrintDate","PrintTimet"]

Parse Result:
_index: "sec-prt-csv",
_type: "doc",
_id: "rlPM-WQBe4qwmz3_mvWi",
_score: 1,
_source: {
@timestamp: "2018-08-02T08:40:31.706Z",
@version: "1",
path: "/u1/LogCollect/lab.csv",
host: "OAELKT-L1",
message: "ABC03951,ABC03951_NB,RDPRINT501,6,545477,Letter (8.5 x 11"),DesignWare Cores Ethernet MAC Universal Databook, Version 3.73a,2018/07/31,21:40:24 ",
tags: [

I has fixed the file name with "," sign issue, Change the source log format for file name.

grok {
match => {
"message" => "%{GREEDYDATA:User},%{GREEDYDATA:Computer},%{GREEDYDATA:Printer},%{GREEDYDATA:Page},%{GREEDYDATA:Size},%{GREEDYDATA:PageType},\|%{GREEDYDATA:FileName}\|,%{GREEDYDATA:PrintDate},%{GREEDYDATA:PrintTime}\s"

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