I have the following log line from tomcat access log:
[21/Apr/2015:00:00:02 +0200] - www.mydomain.no A7CEE20E7E0A5F1C5727E0036B868422.agap67 - GET /myuri/foobar/search-result.action?richList=false&projectRows=50&productRows=50&authorRows=50&articleRows=50&otherFacets=ft_academical_subject%3ASamfunnsvitenskap%7C%3B%3Bf_digital_type%3AApp 200 265ms
I have the following grok-filter:
if [type] == "access-log" {
grok {
match => [ "message", "\[%{HTTPDATE:timestamp}\] \- %{IP:client} %{HOSTNAME:hostname} %{WORD:jsessionId}.%{WORD:node} - %{WORD:method} %{URIPATHPARAM:request} %{INT:size} %{WORD:responsetime}" ]
I've tested the filter with grokDebugger at https://grokdebug.herokuapp.com/, with success, but running it on my testserver I get a "_grokparsefailure".
I run Logstash v. 1.4 in a Docker container.
Need a bit of help getting past this issue. Thanks!
Works for me:
$ cat data
[21/Apr/2015:00:00:02 +0200] - www.mydomain.no A7CEE20E7E0A5F1C5727E0036B868422.agap67 - GET /myuri/foobar/search-result.action?richList=false&projectRows=50&productRows=50&authorRows=50&articleRows=50&otherFacets=ft_academical_subject%3ASamfunnsvitenskap%7C%3B%3Bf_digital_type%3AApp 200 265ms
$ cat test.config
input { stdin { codec => plain } }
output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } }
filter {
grok {
match => [
"\[%{HTTPDATE:timestamp}\] \- %{IP:client} %{HOSTNAME:hostname} %{WORD:jsessionId}.%{WORD:node} - %{WORD:method} %{URIPATHPARAM:request} %%{INT:size} %{WORD:responsetime}"
$ /opt/logstash/bin/logstash -f test.config < data
"message" => "<feff>[21/Apr/2015:00:00:02 +0200] - www.mydomain.no A7CEE20E7E0A5F1C5727E0036B868422.agap67 - GET /myuri/foobar/search-result.action?richList=false&projectRows=50&productRows=50&authorRows=50&articleRows=50&otherFacets=ft_academical_subject%3ASamfunnsvitenskap%7C%3B%3Bf_digital_type%3AApp 200 265ms",
"@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => "2015-05-08T09:49:14.347Z",
"host" => "seldlx20533",
"timestamp" => "21/Apr/2015:00:00:02 +0200",
"client" => "",
"hostname" => "www.mydomain.no",
"jsessionId" => "A7CEE20E7E0A5F1C5727E0036B868422",
"node" => "agap67",
"method" => "GET",
"request" => "/myuri/foobar/search-result.action?richList=false&projectRows=50&productRows=50&authorRows=50&articleRows=50&otherFacets=ft_academical_subject%3ASamfunnsvitenskap%7C%3B%3Bf_digital_type%3AApp",
"size" => "200",
"responsetime" => "265ms"
Thanks for the feedback.
Though, Trying the same as you, I've got the following result. Could it bee a issue with my installation?
$ /opt/logstash/bin/logstash -f test.config < data
"message" => "[21/Apr/2015:00:00:02 +0200] - www.mydomain.no A7CEE20E7E0A5F1C5727E0036B868422.agap67 - GET /myuri/foobar/search-result.action?richList=false&projectRows=50&productRows=50&authorRows=50&articleRows=50&otherFacets=ft_academical_subject%3ASamfunnsvitenskap%7C%3B%3Bf_digital_type%3AApp 200 265ms",
"@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => "2015-05-08T09:57:07.746Z",
"host" => "80eff25bcbe0",
"tags" => [
[0] "_grokparsefailure"
Resoved the issue:
Working message filter:
> match => [
> "message", "\[%{HTTPDATE:timestamp}\] %{USERNAME:UserName} (?:%{NOTSPACE:client}|%{IP:client}) %{IPORHOST:hostname} %{WORD:jsessionId}.%{WORD:node} %{USERNAME:remoteUser} %{WORD:method} %{URIPATHPARAM:request} %{INT:http_status} %{WORD:responsetime}"
> ]
- The access log prints '-' if no value is assigned to a log column. I.e if the %u (Remote user that was authenticated) is specified in access.log config, the value '-' is printed if no username given. Using the %{WORD:username} will not work. Used %{USERNAME} istead.
- In cases of internal calls to tomcat, clientIP was posted as '-'. Used "(?:%{NOTSPACE:client}|%{IP:client})" to resolve