GrokParse Failure Reason

I have the following logstash configuration:

 xml {
                        source => "message"
                        target => "parsed_listen"
                        force_array => false
                        add_tag => [ "xml_applied" ]

                mutate { rename => {"[parsed_listen][txt]" => "[parsed_txt]"} }

                grok {
                        match => { "parsed_txt" => ["%{MONTHDAY}-%{DATA}-%{YEAR} %{TIME} \* %{DATA:[service_msg]} \* %{DATA:[address_prt]} \* %{WORD:[conn_type]} \* %{WORD:[scatex_host]} \* %{INT:[code]}"] }
                        add_tag => [ "grok1" ]

                if "grok1" not in [tags] {
                        grok {
                                match => { "parsed_txt" => ["%{MONTHDAY}-%{DATA}-%{YEAR} %{TIME} \* %{DATA:[lsnr_msg]} \* %{WORD:[scatex_host]} \* %{INT:[code]}",
                                                            "%{MONTHDAY}-%{DATA}-%{YEAR} %{TIME} \* %{WORD:[action]} \* %{INT:[code]}"] }

                else if "grok1" in [tags] {

                        grok {
                                match => { "address_prt" => ["\(ADDRESS=\(PROTOCOL=(?<prt>[^)]*)\)\(HOST=(?<host>[^)]*)\)\(PORT=(?<port>[^)]*)\)"] }
                        grok {
                                match => { "service_msg" => ["\(CONNECT_DATA=\(SERVICE_NAME=(?<srvc_name>[^)]*)\)\(CID=\(PROGRAM=(?<cid_prgm>[^)]*)\)\(HOST=(?<cid_hostname>[^)]*)\)\(USER=(?<cid_username>[^)]*)\)\)",
                                                             "\(CONNECT_DATA=\(SID=(?<sid_name>[^)]*)\)\(CID=\(PROGRAM=(?<cid_prgm>[^)]*)\)\(HOST=(?<cid_hostname>[^)]*)\)\(USER=(?<cid_username>[^)]*)\)\)"] }

I'm not sure why is giving _grokparsefailure, since it parses the fields that are supposed to parse, as I can see it on Kibana... Any ideas?

Appreciate all the help!!

It will be pretty difficult to find out what might be wrong with your pattern, if you don't tell us WHAT it is trying to parse :wink:

1 Like

True, sorry about that!!

I was trying to parse the listener log from OracleDB which can have multiple formats... I allready reached the solution, and I will leave it here for other users...

            xml {
                    source => "message"
                    target => "parsed_listen"
                    force_array => false

            mutate { rename => {"[parsed_listen][txt]" => "[parsed_txt]"} }

            if "parsed_txt" =~ /CONNECT_DATA/ {

                    grok {
                            match => { "parsed_txt" => ["%{MONTHDAY}-%{DATA}-%{YEAR} %{TIME} \* %{DATA:[service_msg]} \* %{DATA:[address_prt]} \* %{WORD:[conn_type]} \* %{WORD:[scatex_host]} \* %{INT:[code]}"] }
                            add_tag => [ "grok1" ]

            else {

                    grok {
                            match => { "parsed_txt" => ["%{MONTHDAY}-%{DATA}-%{YEAR} %{TIME} \* %{DATA:[lsnr_msg]} \* %{WORD:[scatex_host]} \* %{INT:[code]}",
                                                        "%{MONTHDAY}-%{DATA}-%{YEAR} %{TIME} \* %{WORD:[action]} \* %{INT:[code]}"] }

            if "grok1" in [tags] {

                    grok {
                            match => { "address_prt" => ["\(ADDRESS=\(PROTOCOL=(?<prt>[^)]*)\)\(HOST=(?<host>[^)]*)\)\(PORT=(?<port>[^)]*)\)"] }
                    grok {
                            match => { "service_msg" => ["\(CONNECT_DATA=\(SERVICE_NAME=(?<srvc_name>[^)]*)\)\(CID=\(PROGRAM=(?<cid_prgm>[^)]*)\)\(HOST=(?<cid_hostname>[^)]*)\)\(USER=(?<cid_username>[^)]*)\)\)",
                                                         "\(CONNECT_DATA=\(SID=(?<sid_name>[^)]*)\)\(CID=\(PROGRAM=(?<cid_prgm>[^)]*)\)\(HOST=(?<cid_hostname>[^)]*)\)\(USER=(?<cid_username>[^)]*)\)\)"] }

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