I have the following logstash configuration:
xml {
source => "message"
target => "parsed_listen"
force_array => false
add_tag => [ "xml_applied" ]
mutate { rename => {"[parsed_listen][txt]" => "[parsed_txt]"} }
grok {
match => { "parsed_txt" => ["%{MONTHDAY}-%{DATA}-%{YEAR} %{TIME} \* %{DATA:[service_msg]} \* %{DATA:[address_prt]} \* %{WORD:[conn_type]} \* %{WORD:[scatex_host]} \* %{INT:[code]}"] }
add_tag => [ "grok1" ]
if "grok1" not in [tags] {
grok {
match => { "parsed_txt" => ["%{MONTHDAY}-%{DATA}-%{YEAR} %{TIME} \* %{DATA:[lsnr_msg]} \* %{WORD:[scatex_host]} \* %{INT:[code]}",
"%{MONTHDAY}-%{DATA}-%{YEAR} %{TIME} \* %{WORD:[action]} \* %{INT:[code]}"] }
else if "grok1" in [tags] {
grok {
match => { "address_prt" => ["\(ADDRESS=\(PROTOCOL=(?<prt>[^)]*)\)\(HOST=(?<host>[^)]*)\)\(PORT=(?<port>[^)]*)\)"] }
grok {
match => { "service_msg" => ["\(CONNECT_DATA=\(SERVICE_NAME=(?<srvc_name>[^)]*)\)\(CID=\(PROGRAM=(?<cid_prgm>[^)]*)\)\(HOST=(?<cid_hostname>[^)]*)\)\(USER=(?<cid_username>[^)]*)\)\)",
"\(CONNECT_DATA=\(SID=(?<sid_name>[^)]*)\)\(CID=\(PROGRAM=(?<cid_prgm>[^)]*)\)\(HOST=(?<cid_hostname>[^)]*)\)\(USER=(?<cid_username>[^)]*)\)\)"] }
I'm not sure why is giving _grokparsefailure, since it parses the fields that are supposed to parse, as I can see it on Kibana... Any ideas?
Appreciate all the help!!