Grokparsefailure, Geoip lookup failure error

I searched but could not solution. Why don't know error get [Grokparsefailure, Geoip lookup failure] I don't understansd where the error is. I think grok pattern because used online grok tester so correct data.I installed geo ip plugin but not parse;
Kind regards

Exm Data "18/Apr/2019:13:21:55 +0300" "GET /aaa.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 902776 "," MISS "-" 0.169 "0.000" "0.012" "0.030"
Logstash Conf;

input {
   file {
      path => ["C:/Elasticsearch/logstash-6.6.1/akamai/access.log"]
	  start_position => "beginning"
	  sincedb_path => "nul"
	  type => "router"

filter {
 if [type] == "router"{
   grok {
     match => {
       "message" => "%{IP:remoteAddr}%{SPACE}\"%{HTTPDATE:time_local}\"%{SPACE}\"(?:%{WORD:http_method}%{SPACE}%{NOTSPACE:request}(?:%{SPACE}HTTP/%{NUMBER:httpversion})?|-)\"%{SPACE}%{NUMBER:status:int}%{SPACE}%{NUMBER:body_bytes:int}%{SPACE}%{DATA:client_addr}%{SPACE}\"%{DATA:http_x_fowarded_for}\"%{SPACE}%{WORD:upstream_cache_status}%{SPACE}\"(%{DATA:upstream_cache_control})\"%{SPACE}%{NUMBER:request_time:float}%{SPACE}\"%{NUMBER:upstream_connect_time:float}\"%{SPACE}\"%{NUMBER:upstream_header_time:float}\"%{SPACE}\"%{DATA:upstream_response_time}"
   remove_field => ["message"]
   date {
     match => [ "time_local", "dd/MMM/YYYY:H:m:s Z" ]
     remove_field => "time_local"
   mutate {
     add_field => {
       "[es_index]" => "router"
   geoip {
     source => "remoteAddr"
     target => "geoip"
output {
   file {
      path => "C:/Elasticsearch/logstash-6.6.1/output.log"

Result tags;

For "18/Apr/2019:13:21:55 +0300" "GET /aaa.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 902776 "," MISS "-" 0.169 "0.000" "0.012" "0.030"

that grok parses just fine for me...

                "status" => 200,
           "client_addr" => "",
 "upstream_connect_time" => 0.0,
            "remoteAddr" => "",

and once remoteAddr exists geoip finds it

          "location" => {
        "lon" => 8.0,
        "lat" => 47.0

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