Grokparsefailure migrating from 1.4.1 to 2.3.1

I'm migrating from logstash 1.4.1 to 2.3.1 and grok is giving me troubles, seems like it's not behaving like it used to. Is giving me grokparsefailure on this data:

Apr 18 09:25:20 date=2016-04-18 time=09:19:10 devname=DEV-NAME-01 devid=885700C78644 logid=0000000009 type=traffic subtype=forward level=notice vd=root srcip= srcport=58342 srcintf="INTERNAL" dstip= dstport=443 dstintf="DEST_01" sessionid=1577369893 poluuid=a6cc157c-abe1-51e4-1d9c-0e42462e2584 dstcountry="Germany" srccountry="Reserved" service=HTTPS wanoptapptype=web-cache proto=0 duration=0 policyid=1 wanin=0 rcvdbyte=0 wanout=0 lanin=187 sentbyte=187 lanout=72 utmaction=block countweb=1 crscore=30 craction=8

Using this simple testing pattern:

match => { "message" => "%{MONTH:month} %{GREEDYDATA}" }

If I just

match => { "message" => "%{GREEDYDATA}" }

It doesn't show any problems so I know it is processing the message.

What I'm I missing here? This is just a conf that is working on a currently running 1.4.1.

Found the problem, the grok pattern for MONTH doesn't like when the first letter of the month is lowercase. I modified the pattern in ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-patterns-core-2.0.5/patterns/grok-patterns to be case insensitive and now it works.

That'd make a great PR :slight_smile:

Found the problem, the grok pattern for MONTH doesn't like when the first letter of the month is lowercase.

But in your example string the month starts with a capital letter...?

Be careful if your logs aren't actually in English.

Yes, the original logs come with the first letter uppercase, then I lowercase the whole event and then filter it with grok.

That's why it was failing, I found out about it after I commented out the part that "lowercases" the message and the problem stopped. Then I checked the grok patterns that come with logstash and saw that the MONTH one was coded so that the first letter had to be uppercase. I thought to myself that the best way to fix it was to make it case insensitive and avoid future problems, I just did that and it started working.