Grokparsefailure PostgreSQL

Hi, im trying to build a filter for PostgreSQL and I have managed to make it work with the debugger. But when I receive it in my application I see that logstash failed to parse it.

Log example:

2018-05-29 11:09:44 -03 [9708]: [1-1] user=postgres,db=postgres,app=pgAdmin3 LTS by BigSQL - Browser,client= LOG: statement: SELECT version();

and my grok pattern, this is setup in the postgresql pattern file under the name POSTGRESQL2:

%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{NUMBER:time_zone} [%{NUMBER:sin_identificar}]: %{NOTSPACE} user=%{DATA:username},db=%{DATA:db},app=%{DATA:cliente},client=%{IP:ip_cliente} %{DATA:log_level}: statement: %{GREEDYDATA:operacion}

My Logstash configuration:

input {
beats {
port => 5044
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "^%{POSTGRESQL2}" }

output {
http {
url => ""
http_method => "post"

Im new to working with grok patterns and logstash, so I would love to receive any help I can get to make this work. Thanks in advance.

I think you should point custom pattern directory.

If you set logstash log level to debug, it will print all loaded grok patterns. You can check if your pattern is loaded or not.

I see the following entry:

[2018-05-30T12:25:53,839][DEBUG][logstash.filters.grok ] Grok compiled OK {:pattern=>"^%{POSTGRESQL2}", :expanded_pattern=>"...(regexp pattern here)

And if a change to a random name it says that it cant recognize it, so I assume it is loading it right.

In debug mode I also see an exception in java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no netty_tcnative_linux_x86_64 in java.library.path with a kilometric stacktrace, dont know if that library is somewhat responsible for the parse failure.

I think square brackets require escaping.

POSTGRESQL2 %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{NUMBER:time_zone} \[%{NUMBER:sin_identificar}\]: %{NOTSPACE} user=%{DATA:username},db=%{DATA:db},app=%{DATA:cliente},client=%{IP:ip_cliente} %{DATA:log_level}: statement: %{GREEDYDATA:operacion}


output received {"event"=>{"timestamp"=>"2018-05-29 11:09:44", "path"=>"C:\\development\\elk\\logstash\\postgres.txt", "ip_cliente"=>"", "host"=>"TR00200384", "log_level"=>"LOG", "db"=>"postgres", "@version"=>"1", "time_zone"=>"-03", "@timestamp"=>2018-05-30T18:44:03.831Z, "message"=>"2018-05-29 11:09:44 -03 [9708]: [1-1] user=postgres,db=postgres,app=pgAdmin3 LTS by BigSQL - Browser,client= LOG: statement: SELECT version();\r", "cliente"=>"pgAdmin3 LTS by BigSQL - Browser", "operacion"=>"SELECT version();\r", "username"=>"postgres", "sin_identificar"=>"9708"}}
          "timestamp" => "2018-05-29 11:09:44",
               "path" => "C:\\ericsson\\development\\elk\\logstash\\postgres.txt",
         "ip_cliente" => "",
               "host" => "TR00200384",
          "log_level" => "LOG",
                 "db" => "postgres",
           "@version" => "1",
          "time_zone" => "-03",
         "@timestamp" => 2018-05-30T18:44:03.831Z,
            "message" => "2018-05-29 11:09:44 -03 [9708]: [1-1] user=postgres,db=postgres,app=pgAdmin3 LTS by BigSQL - Browser,client= LOG: statement: SELECT version();\r",
            "cliente" => "pgAdmin3 LTS by BigSQL - Browser",
          "operacion" => "SELECT version();\r",
           "username" => "postgres",
    "sin_identificar" => "9708"

Well, although it wasn't the missing escape to the square brackets it made me look closer around there. In my file I got the brackets escaped, even the : but pasting it here without the code frame deleted them.

The real problem apparently was that postgresql sends 2 spaces after "LOG:" and I was accounting for just one. Now they are getting filtered correctly. I really thank your time helping me.

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