Having trouble getting data to elasticsearch

So I am currently using the newest version of the ELK stack and I seem to be getting a few errors in elasticsearch logs and logstash. I have kibana up and running.

Logstash error:
:message=>"Connection failed to initialise", :error=>"Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?", :peer=>"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:40864", :level=>:warn}
{:timestamp=>"2015-11-13T16:56:11.026000+0000", :message=>"Failed to install template: waited for [30s]", :level=>:error}

Elasticsearch error:
/logstash-/_mapping/field/ Params: {ignore_unavailable=false, allow_no_indices=false, index=logstash-, include_defaults=true, fields=, _=1447442189003}
[logstash-*] IndexNotFoundException[no such index]
at org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexNameExpressionResolver$WildcardExpressionResolver.resolve(IndexNameExpressionResolver.java:630

this i believe is due to issue from logstash.
Any help would be great.

What does your elasticsearch output configuration in Logstash look like? It looks like you're requiring SSL connections but haven't configured Logstash to use SSL (or vice versa).

output {
elasticsearch { host => localhost }

I rolled back to the previous versions to see if that was the issue and I'm still receiving the same error.
Also I don't know if this has to do with anything but I realized port 5000 is taken already by another application. Does logstash need to have port 5000 or is it able to run on any other port?

Have you configured ES (or a proxy in front of ES) to use HTTPS on port 9200?

Logstash doesn't use port 5000 (or any other port) unless you configure it to do so.