Heartbeat error DEBUG [tcp] tcp/task.go:58 check failed with: EOF


I am trying to do heartbeat TCP check to my oracle database port. The database is up, but heartbeat is reporting is as down. Debug log is showing the below error:

2019-03-29T12:46:07.748+0800 DEBUG [tcp] tcp/task.go:58 check failed with: EOF

Has anyone experience this before? NC and curl is showing below result:

# curl -v -XHEAD
* About to connect() to port 1525 (#0)
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 1525 (#0)
> HEAD / HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: */*
* Empty reply from server
* Connection #0 to host left intact
curl: (52) Empty reply from server

# nc -v -port 1525
Ncat: Version 7.50 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Connected to

Debug log of 1 iteration:

2019-03-29T13:07:22.747+0800    DEBUG   [scheduler]     scheduler/scheduler.go:343      Start job 'tcp-tcp@' at 2019-03-29 13:07:22.74699963 +0800 +08 m=+1280.019880263.
2019-03-29T13:07:22.747+0800    DEBUG   [scheduler]     scheduler/scheduler.go:206      Next wakeup time: 2019-03-29 13:07:27.746843045 +0800 +08
2019-03-29T13:07:22.748+0800    DEBUG   [tcp]   tcp/task.go:58  check failed with: EOF
2019-03-29T13:07:22.748+0800    DEBUG   [publish]       pipeline/processor.go:308       Publish event: {
  "@timestamp": "2019-03-29T05:07:22.747Z",
  "@metadata": {
    "beat": "heartbeat",
    "type": "doc",
    "version": "6.6.1"
  "tags": [
  "beat": {
    "name": "heartbeat-shipper",
    "hostname": "AZ1AMGTVMGTAPM01.30.tntx.gov.sg",
    "version": "6.6.1"
  "host": {
    "name": "AZ1AMGTVMGTAPM01.30.tntx.gov.sg",
    "os": {
      "name": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server",
      "codename": "Maipo",
      "platform": "rhel",
      "version": "7.6 (Maipo)",
      "family": ""
    "id": "6b200b586216467dbeb9924b91021156",
    "containerized": true,
    "architecture": "x86_64"
  "meta": {
    "cloud": {
      "machine_type": "c4.2xlarge",
      "region": "ap-southeast-1",
      "availability_zone": "ap-southeast-1a",
      "provider": "ec2",
      "instance_id": "i-098c0838f3467b723"
  "tcp": {
    "rtt": {
      "connect": {
        "us": 639
    "port": 1525
  "monitor": {
    "scheme": "tcp",
    "name": "tcp",
    "type": "tcp",
    "ip": "",
    "duration": {
      "us": 1205
    "status": "down",
    "id": "tcp-tcp@",
    "host": ""
  "error": {
    "type": "io",
    "message": "EOF"
2019-03-29T13:07:22.748+0800    DEBUG   [scheduler]     scheduler/scheduler.go:248      Job 'tcp-tcp@' returned at 2019-03-29 13:07:22.748482623 +0800 +08 m=+1280.021363292 (cont=0).
2019-03-29T13:07:22.748+0800    DEBUG   [scheduler]     scheduler/scheduler.go:206      Next wakeup time: 2019-03-29 13:07:27.746843045 +0800 +08
2019-03-29T13:07:23.753+0800    DEBUG   [elasticsearch] elasticsearch/client.go:323     PublishEvents: 1 events have been published to elasticsearch in 4.659968ms.
2019-03-29T13:07:23.753+0800    DEBUG   [publisher]     memqueue/ackloop.go:160 ackloop: receive ack [255: 0, 1]
2019-03-29T13:07:23.753+0800    DEBUG   [publisher]     memqueue/eventloop.go:535       broker ACK events: count=1, start-seq=256, end-seq=256

2019-03-29T13:07:23.753+0800    DEBUG   [publisher]     memqueue/ackloop.go:128 ackloop: return ack to broker loop:1
2019-03-29T13:07:23.753+0800    DEBUG   [publisher]     memqueue/ackloop.go:131 ackloop:  done send ack

I have the exact same issue but with tcp check on postgresql. I think the main issue is that we don't know exactly what message to send via tcp in order to get an answer from postgres.


You need to post your config for the monitor because we can't see how you configured it.
Also maybe this can help:

A heartbeat monitor which would do the equivalent of this:

# nc -v -port 1525
Ncat: Version 7.50 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Connected to

would be this:

- type: tcp
  schedule: '@every 5s'
  hosts: [""]
  ports: [1525]

But you didn't post your config so it's hard to help.


Seconding this. We'll need to see the config to determine the root cause here.

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