Help, Cannot get multiline to work correctly

I have this raw log output:

[2020-08-07T12:45:33+02:00] ERROR Exception: <log:context>{"exception":"[object] (UnexpectedValueException(code: 0): This is to simulate uncaught exceptions at /home/app1/products/services/lvs-api/releases/2.3.5/src/App/Action/StatusAction.php:29)
#0 /home/app1/products/services/lvs-api/releases/2.3.5/vendor/zendframework/zend-expressive/src/Middleware/LazyLoadingMiddleware.php(80): App\\Action\\StatusAction->__invoke(Object(Zend\\Diactoros\\ServerRequest), Object(Zend\\Diactoros\\Response), Object(Closure))
#1 /home/app1/products/services/lvs-api/releases/2.3.5/vendor/zendframework/zend-expressive/src/Middleware/DispatchMiddleware.php(90): Zend\\Expressive\\Middleware\\LazyLoadingMiddleware->process(Object(Zend\\Diactoros\\ServerRequest), Object(Zend\\Stratigility\\Next))

This is the multiline pattern that I use to trap the first line of the message:


These are the settings for multiline in filebeat:

  multiline.pattern: ^\[\d+|^\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2} 
  multiline.negate: True
  multiline.match: after

According to my regex it will trap the line that starts with:


What is actually happening:

The message is being split up into multiple messages like so:

log message-1: [2020-08-07T12:45:33+02:00] E
log message-2: [stacktrace]
log message-3: #0 /home/app1/pr
log message-4: #1 /home/app1/pr

json output also confirms this.

Can anyone advise how I can fix this?

This worked for me for the same log format..

multiline.pattern: ^[[0-9]{2,4}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}
multiline.negate: True
multiline.match: after


Thanks Sai, I will give this a try.

Not sure whats going on, but I applied your suggestion. When I view the output in Kibana the messages are still split.

Actually I looked at the regex again, shouldn't the first character be escaped [

Indeed I somehow missed adding / :sweat_smile:.

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