HELP for debug log stash config

Hello guys!

I want to evalute a custom log. When I test %{HSMFORMAT} on the online grok debugger has no problem with that.

If i use it in my config file i got an _grokparsefailure tag. My logstash version is 5.2.2
This is my config:

input {
  file {
    path => "/usr/share/logstash/log/hsm.log"
    start_position => "beginning"
    sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
filter {
  grok {
    patterns_dir => ["/usr/share/logstash/pattern"]
    match => { "item" => "%{HSMFORMAT}" }
output {
  stdout {
	codec => rubydebug

My pattern:

HEX [0-9A-F]{8}
YEAR (?>\d\d){1,2}
MONTHNUM2 (?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])
MONTHDAY (?:(?:0[1-9])|(?:[12][0-9])|(?:3[01])|[1-9])
HOUR (?:2[0123]|[01]?[0-9])
MINUTE (?:[0-5][0-9])
SECOND (?:(?:[0-5]?[0-9]|60)(?:[:.,][0-9]+)?)
TIME (?!<[0-9])%{HOUR}:%{MINUTE}(?::%{SECOND})(?![0-9])
HSMFORMAT %{DATE_EVENT:data} %{HEX:tid} %{HEX:crt} %{HEX:cid} %{GREEDYDATA:mensagem}

And some test rows log:

2017/03/17 16:17:28 B77C16E0 00000001 000A2201 SL_BE DATABASE RESETTED. LOG ERASED.
2017/03/17 16:17:28 B77C16E0 00000002 000A2201 log: i-buffers closed.
2017/03/17 16:17:59 B77626E0 00000001 000A3301 initializing server request-pipeline
2017/03/17 16:17:59 B77626E0 00000002 000A3301 operating with stacks (1024, 1024)
2017/03/17 16:17:59 B77626E0 00000003 000A3301 open files (20480, 20480)
2017/03/17 16:17:59 B77626E0 00000004 000A3301 max file size (FFFFFFFF, FFFFFFFF)
2017/03/17 16:17:59 B77626E0 00000005 000A3301 max mlock size (08000000, 08000000)
2017/03/17 16:17:59 B77626E0 00000006 000A3301 OEM serial number info SN TCA0000000
2017/03/17 16:17:59 B77626E0 00000007 000A3301 libcrypto hdr 1.0.0
2017/03/17 16:17:59 B77626E0 00000008 000A3301 libcrypto dl 1000203F

Is something wrong with the syntax?

Thks in advance!!!

You've configured your grok filter to match against an item field but your events don't have such a field (yet, anyway). Changing to message will work better.

Great!!!! It works. Thank a lot!!!!

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