Help with aggregation code

We process mails through multiple modules resulting in logs with the same mail_id, kinda like this:
mail_id_X module1: key1 key2
mail_id_X module2: key3 key4
mail_id_X module3: key5 key6 key7

What I would like to do is take key5 and key6 from module3 and add it to the document from module2, while leaving module3 as it is:
mail_id_X module1: key1 key2
mail_id_X module2: key3 key4 key5 key6
mail_id_X module3: key5 key6 key7

As module3 can vary or be the same as module1, I understand I have to use push_map_as_event_on_timeout, but given my lack of Ruby knowledge, I am complete clueless on the code I need for the aggregation.

filter {
         grok {
          match => {
            "message" =>  "{WORD:modul}{GREEDYDATA:log_message}" 
        if "modul1" in [modul] {
        if "modul2" in [modul] {
        if "modul3" in [modul] {

        aggregate {
             task_id => "%{mail_id}"
             push_map_as_event_on_timeout => true
             code => ""
             timeout_task_id_field => "mail_id"
             timeout => 5
             timeout_tags => ['_aggregatetimeout']

Any help would be appreciated!

Hard to answer without knowing what the module2 and module3 events look like. Which fields do you want to combine from each one?

Hm sorry, I thought the example lines are sufficient.
module2 is a spam check and module3 includes the mail subject and a route number, which I'd like to combine with the spam check result. So one can just browse the spam check logs and instantly see the subject and route too.

That really doesn't tell me what the events look like, but I would guess at something like

code => '
    map["@timestamp"] ||= event.get("@timestamp")
    map["spamCheck"] ||= event.get("spamCheck")
    map["subject"] ||= event.get("subject")
    map["routeNumber"] ||= event.get("routeNumber")

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