Help with elapsed time

For some reason, I can't get the Elapsed time filter to work just right.
From the debug log it with logstash 1.5.4 it appears that my start and end event are getting picked up correctly along with the timestamps but the elapsed.time calculation is way off...

Any thoughts on where I should look..

  • Start Time=>"2015-08-28T07:49:23.334Z"
  • End Time=>"2015-08-28T07:49:57.904Z"
  • Elapsed.timestamp_start" => "2015-08-28T07:49:23.334Z"
  • Elapsed.time => 3096668.469 ?????

Below is an output of debug logs: (removing some lines to reduce the post)
"@timestamp" => "2015-08-28T07:49:23.334Z",
"time" => "2015-08-28 07:49:23.334",
"tags" => [
[0] "Time",
[1] "Received",
[2] "start_tag"
"start_time" => "2015-08-28 07:49:23.334",
"task_id" => "0eb29fc3-06a6-4f15-a628-c910b9ad08e2",
"debug" => "timestampMatched"

Elapsed, 'end event' received {:end_tag=>"end_tag", :unique_id_field=>"task_id", :level=>:info
"@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => "2015-08-28T07:49:57.904Z",
"time" => "2015-08-28 07:49:57.904",
"tags" => [
[0] "Time",
[1] "end_tag",
[2] "elapsed",
[3] "elapsed.match"
"end_time" => "2015-08-28 07:49:57.904",
"task_id" => "0eb29fc3-06a6-4f15-a628-c910b9ad08e2",
"elapsed.time" => 3096668.469,
"elapsed.timestamp_start" => "2015-08-28T07:49:23.334Z",
"debug" => "timestampMatched"

Also here's a slimmed down version of my config:
input {
lumberjack {port => 5050 type => "logs" ssl_certificate => "lumberjack.crt" ssl_key => "lumberjack.key"}

pattern => "^<TRACE"
what => "previous"
negate=> true
gsub=> ["message","\r\n","

grok {
break_on_match => false
match => [
"message", "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:time}"
add_tag => "Time"

grok {
match => ["message", "TRACE date="%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:start_time}".Received message.(Task: (?<task_id>.))"]
add_tag => [ "start_tag" ]
grok {
match => ["message", "TRACE date="%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:end_time}".Processed message.(Task: (?<task_id>.))"]
add_tag => [ "end_tag"]

elapsed {
start_tag => "start_tag"
end_tag => "end_tag"
unique_id_field => "task_id"
timeout => "400"
new_event_on_match => false

date {
timezone => "Etc/UCT"
match => [ "time", "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS" ]
target => "@timestamp"

output {
elasticsearch {
action => "index"
embedded => false
embedded_http_port => "9200-9300"
flush_size => 5000
idle_flush_time => 1
index => "logstash-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
manage_template => true
workers => 1
host => "localhost"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }

I am having this same issue, while suing the elapsed filter. The time is way off. It should be in seconds, but the number "elapsed_time" => 18694775.362, suggests something very big in my case too!!

Hi, I have the same issue, was this ever solved for you? thanks a lot for sharing.

I too running with same issue, any pointers are greatly appreciated. My log input is "|" separated like and filtering with CSV filter, details below

Log file -

2015-01-28 07:20:21,517|hostnameA|requestId1|IN
2015-01-28 07:20:22,500|hostnameA|requestId1|OUT
2015-01-28 09:06:38,042|hostnameA|requestId2|IN
2015-01-28 09:06:39,767|hostnameA|requestId2|OUT


	 columns => ["logdate","server","reqid","type"]
	 separator => "|"
   if[type] == "IN" {
	mutate { add_tag => ["serviceStarted"] }
} else if[type] == "OUT" {
	mutate { add_tag => ["serviceTerminated"] }

elapsed {
	start_tag => "serviceStarted"
	end_tag => "serviceTerminated"
	unique_id_field => "reqid"
	timeout => 10000
	new_event_on_match => false

can any one help to identify the time diff b/n one pair of IN & OUT,

Hi guys, i solved this issue easly by invoking the filter date before elapsed filter. Otherwise if elapsed is first it will take the first @timestamp for the current date.

Hope it helps