Help with using Grok to parse these three log formats

Hi I am experienced with Dissect but not Grok. I think I need to use Grok here because the log format varies between the logs, so dissect will only work on one format, not all three:

Case 1:

2023-03-31 00:01:24,366 INFO [qtp509886383-311239:] [ip=;] security - cmd=Auth;; protocol=zsync;

Case 2:

2023-03-31 00:00:13,319 INFO [qtp509886383-311183:] [;oip=;ua=zclient/8.5.0_GA_3042;] security - cmd=Auth;; protocol=soap;

Case 3:

2023-03-31 19:20:53,401 INFO [ImapSSLServer-1368] [ip=;] security - cmd=Auth;; protocol=imap;

If you can give me a pattern that would work, and explain it, thank you!

Oh I forgot that I want to parse out the ip (for the Case 1 and Case 3 logs), DeviceType (for the Case 1 log), oip (for the Case 2 log), account (all Cases), and protocol (all Cases) fields.

Don't try to match the entire line with a pattern. Just pull out the fields you need

    grok {
        break_on_match => false
        match => {
            "message" => [

Hi that solved it. But can you also help with this:

Case 1
Apr 1 15:45:09 mail postfix/smtps/smtpd[28960]: warning: unknown[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication failure

Case 2
Apr 1 15:44:51 mail postfix/smtps/smtpd[28960]: warning:[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication failure

Case 3
Apr 1 15:43:24 mail postfix/smtps/smtpd[28960]: warning:[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication failure

I want to pull out the ip field as well as the entire "SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication failure"


If you are interested in Elastic providing you a grok pattern based on your logs, take a look at this. Using Elastic ML to generate Grok patterns for log sources - YouTube

If you want to unconditionally pull out an IP address if present then use "%{IPV4:ip}",.

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But then how do I pull out the "SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication failure" ??

I don't know. What about those lines tells you that you want to capture everything after the []: ?

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Would it be this? "]: =(?<error>[^:]*):"

This is basically only getting the SASL LOGIN authentication failed and cutting out the : authentication failure

I'm searching for the ]: after the IP which leads into the SASL LOGIN authentication failed

If you want the whole of the rest of the line then use ]: %{GREEDYDATA:error}, but that is going to match any line that contains ]: .

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