How can I ensure that Elastic APM understands that an uploaded source map should be used for error monitoring?

Hi @Casper_Aangeenbrug,

Thanks for reaching out!

I have a few questions and comments:

  • What version of RUM are you using? (version 5.12 added this fix for error capturing)

  • What version of the elastic stack are you using?

  • Are you using APM server standalone or APM integration?

  • here is an full-fledge example of how to make work sourcemaps for APM standalone with version 7.17, please take a look when you have time.

  • Important: For higher versions the steps remain the same, the only difference is to make sure they upload the maps to the correct endpoint.

  • if you are using APM standalone server you should be uploading sourcemaps to APM server (e.g. http://localhost:8200/assets/v1/sourcemaps, in case you are using 7.17), if you are using integration you should be uploading sourcemaps to Kibana (e.g. http://localhost:5601/api/apm/sourcemaps)

Additionally, since I don't know the stack version you are using, I would also like to link the existing bugs related to sourcemaps we had in particular versions of APM.
