Uploading sourcemaps from AIX webserver

Hi @Hamunaptroid,

Yes, intake/v2/rum/events endpoint is not related to sourcemaps.

I set up an example that I hope helps you:

Versions used on the example:

APM Server: 7.17
RUM agent: 5.12.0


        <title>source map test</title>
        <button id="error-button">click to generate an error</button>
        <h1>Welcome to the sourcemap test page</h1>
        <script src="https://unpkg.com/@elastic/apm-rum@5.12.0/dist/bundles/elastic-apm-rum.umd.min.js" crossorigin></script>
        <script src="test.min.js"></script>

        <script type="text/javascript">
            document.getElementById('error-button').addEventListener('click', function handleClick() {
            var agent = elasticApm.init({
                serviceName: 'sourcemap_test_7_17',
                serviceVersion: 'sourcemap_test_7_17_version',

javascript file before the minify process:

function functionInsideTestFile() {
    throw new Error("I am an error, I have good intentions though.")

javascript after the minify process:

function functionInsideTestFile(){throw new Error("I am an error, I have good intentions though.")}
//# sourceMappingURL=http://localhost:1111/sourcemap_test_7_17/test.min.js.map

Command executed to create the minification and map:

npx terser test.js --compress --mangle -o test.min.js --source-map "url='http://localhost:1111/sourcemap_test_7_17/test.min.js.map'"

Note: localhost:1111 corresponds to my local dev server.

Case 1:

If I trigger the error without uploading the sourcemap, we are going to see this on Kibana:

As you can see there, the UI refers to the minified file test.min.js and colNumber 41


Now if we want to see the stacktrace related to the original file, what we need to do is to upload the sourcemap (I'm sharing the two common strategies):

Using CURL:

curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8200/assets/v1/sourcemaps \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey TUVVRWJJRUJoRHdOVXN6WFJRWEw6NF93MGNFQlBTRkdhXzFITy1SZkVpdw==' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form service_name="sourcemap_test_7_17" \
--form service_version="sourcemap_test_7_17_version" \
--form bundle_filepath="http://localhost:1111/sourcemap_test_7_17/test.min.js" \
--form sourcemap="@test.min.js.map"

USING node.js script

const fs = require('fs')
const request = require('request')

function uploadSourcemap() {
     const headers = {
       'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
       Authorization: "ApiKey TUVVRWJJRUJoRHdOVXN6WFJRWEw6NF93MGNFQlBTRkdhXzFITy1SZkVpdw=="

     const sourcemapPath = 'test.min.js.map'

     const formData = {
       sourcemap: fs.createReadStream(sourcemapPath),
       service_version: 'sourcemap_test_7_17_version',
       service_name: 'sourcemap_test_7_17'

         url: 'http://localhost:8200/assets/v1/sourcemaps',
       function (err, resp, body) {
         if (err || (resp.statusCode !== 200 && resp.statusCode !== 202)) {
           var message = `Error while uploading sourcemap, error: ${err}, response: ${
             resp && resp.statusCode
           }, body: ${body}`
         } else {
           console.log("sourcemap upload properly!")


Okay, now, after doing this. If I go to the webpage and I trigger the error again, that's what I can see on Kibana:

Now we are seeing the UI referring to the unminified file "test.js" and the proper lineno and colno.

By the way, this is how my local project structure looks like:

Screenshot 2022-06-16 at 13.07.57

How to create an api key using Kibana

If you need it, the link below is pretty helpful. I have followed the instructions there when I was working on the example
