How to link my environment when uploading sourcemps?

How to link my environment when uploading sourcemaps?

I have few envs in my apm service. So when uploading I need to upload it to relevant env. How to do that?

I didn't find any useful information regarding this. Even in docs it doesn't mention regarding the envs.

Kibana version: 8x

Elasticsearch version: 8x

APM Server version: 8x

Hi @Manthika_Tharumudu,

Apologies for the delay

As you may already know, sourcemaps are associated with:

  • serviceName
  • serviceVersion
  • bundle_filepath

There is no explicit link to the environment.

serviceName and serviceVersion will not help you to achieve what you are looking for. But I believe bundle_filepath might. If you use an absolute URL for the bundle_filepath then you can distinguish them based on the URL (e.g. localhost = dev, = qa, etc)

Let me know if this helps you


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