How can i ensure uploaded source maps exists on server and contains correct settings, to be used in observed project?


Successfully uploaded source maps, does not applied to project being monitored.


Hello everyone, i got a problem i don`t know how to solve. We added apm-rum-vue@2.1.2 to our project.

After that all errors successfully was downloaded and we can check their stacktrace in Kibana.

But, after uploading generated source maps nothing changed. The stacktrace remained the same.

The problem is, all source maps were uploaded successfully. I can fetch them back and delete them. But they not used for my project.

I thought, thats happen because i not configured my vue.config.js as shown in this document. But, after i configured it nothing changed.

I tried to check network tab in APM section of Kibana, to ensure that service fetches correct version of generated source maps. But, i cannot find any request like that in network section.

So, i don`t know how to check, that APM fetches correct version of source maps, or find any information about errors, that occured.

And because of that, i don`t know what i need to fix in my code, to make source maps working. Is there a way to do it?

Stack i`m using

  1. What version of RUM are you using? @elastic/apm-rum-vue: "^2.1.2
  2. What version of the elastic stack are you using? APM Standalone server
  3. Are you using APM server standalone or APM integration? Kibana separately, apm Separately.


const serviceVersion = require("./package.json").version;
const TerserPlugin = require("terser-webpack-plugin");

module.exports = {
    configureWebpack: {
        devtool: 'source-map',
        devServer: {
            host: 'vue.crm.local'
        optimization: {
            minimize: true,
            minimizer: [new TerserPlugin(
                    sourceMap: true,
    chainWebpack: config => {
        config.plugin('define').tap(args => {
            args[0].serviceVersion = JSON.stringify(serviceVersion);
            return args

Someone, pls help :frowning:

So, i checked that source - maps were downloaded correctly.

And that source - map linked to file, where i throw error exists.

In the Kibana, i can see that information about errors returned by server contain source - map path. E.g. filename property, but there is no information about sourcemaps.

And the stacktrace remains the same.

Can someone explain me that and why it doesnt work? As you can see, sourcemap are uploaded, but doesnt used.

Where i should look to find request to server, that maps file to its original state?
Where i can find any errors, explaining why source maps not being used?

Documentation doesnt answer that question.