How can use filter and except a number

This my log sample : - - [01/May/2024:16:08:12 +0330] "POST /serve/digiPay/requestStatus HTTP/1.0" 200 134 "-" "Java/17.0.6" process-time:644 session-id: - - - [01/May/2024:16:08:13 +0330] "POST /serve/Tosan/finalizeRequest HTTP/1.0" 200 126 "-" "ReactorNetty/1.0.11" process-time:5604 session-id: - - - [01/May/2024:16:08:23 +0330] "POST /serve/digiPay/deleteRequest HTTP/1.0" 200 142 "-" "Java/17.0.6" process-time:1040 session-id: -
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 - - [01/May/2024:16:08:45 +0330] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 14258 "-" "check_http/v2.2.1 (nagios-plugins 2.2.1)" process-time:11 session-id: - - - [01/May/2024:16:09:01 +0330] "POST /serve/Tosan/requestStatus HTTP/1.0" 200 129 "-" "ReactorNetty/1.0.11" process-time:1207 session-id: -

As you can find there is a digit such as 129 , 142 ,126 ,.... I have created a field with the name of bytes that can get query for example when type bytes > 129
it will find all numbers such as 142 , 134 , 14258

Now want to filter bytes > 200 except 14258

Use a Boolean query with a range query and a must_not filter for the value(s) you don't want.

Thanks But I want to find bytes > 200 except 14258
Would you please say how can write query ?

You can use the examples that I linked to generate the query!

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