How many processes are used to transfer the files from file beat to log stash?


How many processes are used to transfer the files from file beat to log stash ?
Is it only 1 process or we have multiple processes?
How can I check the details information on this ?

Thanks and Regards,
Karunesh Upadhyay

processes or threads or workers? filebeat won't start any background processes, so it's just one process. The go runtime will try to create as many worker threads as CPU cores are available, actualy number of threats might be a little higher due to some threats might be blocked by OS. The go-runtimes uses N-M multiplexing, scheduling multiple green-threads on OS threads. filebeat uses a number of workers (green-threads) to have file reading + spooling + event processing + publishing all work concurrently.

Hi Steffens,

Thanks for your reply.
It helps me to understand.

Best Regards,