How to add day of month field but with certain timezone

i want to create a "day of month" field for my visualization. I already did this using a scripted field before. but since I chose Grafana to visualize my data, I can't use that scripted field there. so I want to generate it from logstash; here is the script in kibana:

ZonedDateTime pst = doc['process_timestamp.date_histogram.timestamp'].value.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of('Asia/Jakarta')); return pst.getMonthValue();

ZonedDateTime pst = doc['process_timestamp.date_histogram.timestamp'].value.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of('Asia/Jakarta')); return pst.getDayOfMonth();

how do I do it if I want to create a day-of-month field with my timezone? i already tried this but I got UTC timezone

mutate {
 add_field => {"dayOfmonth" => "%{+dd-HH}"}

*i added HH just to make sure what timezone is being used and I'm still working with date filter but has not yet found a solution


logstash [@timestamp] is always UTC, so "%{+dd-HH}" is always going to be UTC. You would need to use a ruby filter to apply the timezone offset.

thank you. finally i found this

Yes, you have to use ruby because UTC which Badger mentioned.
Another approach:

 ruby {
    code => "
	require 'tzinfo'
    current_time =
	timezone = TZInfo::Timezone.get(
	timezone_name =
	 event.set('[@metadata][tz]', timezone_name)
mutate { add_field => {"dayOfmonth" => "%{+dd-HH} %{[@metadata][tz]}"} }

I tried using your code, but I got this error in logstash:

 Ruby exception occurred: Invalid identifier: WIB {:class=>"TZInfo::InvalidTimezoneIdentifier"

and also in kibana, it gives me something like this

You should use ruby in LS.

input {
  generator {
       message => "2023-11-25 15:51:46 DEBUG Request Approved"
	   count => 1

filter {

 ruby {
    code => "
	require 'tzinfo'
    current_time =
	timezone = TZInfo::Timezone.get(
	timezone_name =
	 event.set('[@metadata][tz]', timezone_name)
   	 mutate {
 add_field => {"dayOf" => "%{+dd-HH} %{[@metadata][tz]}"}
 remove_field => ["host", "event",  "message"]

output {
 stdout { codec => rubydebug{ metadata => false} }

Result in LS 8.11:

         "dayOf" => "13-04 CET",
      "@version" => "1",
    "@timestamp" => 2023-12-13T04:40:31.648947Z

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