How to add field to every element from an array with logstash ruby


I have an array such like this:

"step": [
      "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:39:01 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE UNIP A PRIS 00H00",
      "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:39:01 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE UNIC A PRIS 00H00",
      "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:39:01 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE CHGFI1 A PRIS 00H00",
      "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:39:01 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE RCOU A PRIS 00H00",
      "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:42:35 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE RCAP A PRIS 00H12",
      "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:42:35 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE SDEC A PRIS 00H00",
      "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:50:51 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE TRI A PRIS 00H08",
      "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:50:51 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE RADC A PRIS 00H00",
      "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:50:51 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE AFFI A PRIS 00H00",
      "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:50:51 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE RSFI A PRIS 00H00",
      "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:50:51 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE CHGFI3 A PRIS 00H00",
      "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:51:02 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE RCIM A PRIS 00H01",
      "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:51:02 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE AFFC A PRIS 00H00"

my requirement is add field to every element from this array because i want to apply a grok filter to every line

this my logstash.cong :

filter {

kv {
    source => "message"
    field_split => "\n"

ruby {
       code =>   
                  "etape =[]
                 taches = event.get('/soft/rilprdaglm/scripts/wfc_automate_genere_G_WFL10.sos ')
                  taches.each {  | item  | 
                  if item.include? ('ETAPE')






how can i add a field to every item ? please help me because i have no solution, i'm actually blocked

It is really unclear what you want to do, so let me make a couple of general points.

Firstly, you can tell grok to match against an array. If we start off with a file containing

"step": [
      "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:39:01 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE UNIP A PRIS 00H00",
      "random text",
      "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:51:02 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE AFFC A PRIS 00H00"

Then we can consume the file and parse it

input {
    file {
        path => "/home/user/test.txt" 
        sincedb_path => "/dev/null" 
        start_position => beginning 
        codec => multiline { pattern => "^Spalanzani" negate => true what => previous auto_flush_interval => 1 multiline_tag => "" }
filter { json { source => "message" remove_field => [ "message" ] } }

This gets us an event that contains this field

      "step" => [
    [0] "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:39:01 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE UNIP A PRIS 00H00",
    [1] "random text",
    [2] "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:51:02 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE AFFC A PRIS 00H00"

a grok against that

    grok {
        pattern_definitions => { "TIMESTAMP" => "%{MONTHNUM}/%{MONTHDAY}/%{YEAR} %{TIME}" }
        match => { "step" => "%{TIMESTAMP:timestamp}" }

produces this

 "timestamp" => [
    [0] "03/08/2020 18:39:01",
    [1] "03/08/2020 18:51:02"

Secondly, a more compact to remove elements from an array based on a regexp is

code => '
    step = event.get("step")
    if step.is_a? Array
        event.set("step", step.delete_if { |x| x !~ /ETAPE/ })

which will change the [step] field to

      "step" => [
    [0] "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:39:01 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE UNIP A PRIS 00H00",
    [1] "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:51:02 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE AFFC A PRIS 00H00"

It is possible you want to use a split filter to create a new event for each entry in the array.

I am unclear where '/soft/rilprdaglm/scripts/wfc_automate_genere_G_WFL10.sos ' comes from. Do you really have a field called that?

Thank you for your answer ! i see that you didn't understand my requirement i already have step field which contains a table of messages.I want to parse the table and add a field to every line of the table for example : "step 1 " : "MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:39:01 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE UNIP A PRIS 00H00"
you mentionned that i can use a [split filter] to create a new event for each entry in the array. how can i do it please
i wish that i make it clear to you hope that you can help me

OK, still not clear on the requirement, but it sounds like you want to convert each member of the array into a hash. I have not tested this code, but if you start with

  "step" => [
[0] "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:39:01 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE UNIP A PRIS 00H00",
[1] "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:51:02 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE AFFC A PRIS 00H00"

then the following ruby filter will do that

ruby {
    code => '
        step = event.get("step")
        if step.is_a? Array
            newStep = []
            step.each_index { |x|
                newStep << { "step#{x}" => step[x] }
            event.set("step", newStep)

that would result in

  "step" => [
[0] { "step0" => "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:39:01 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE UNIP A PRIS 00H00" },
[1] { "step1" => "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:51:02 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE AFFC A PRIS 00H00" }

With a split filter you could use

split { field => "step" }

which would give you two events, one containing

  "step" => "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:39:01 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE UNIP A PRIS 00H00"

and the other containing

"step" => "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:51:02 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE AFFC A PRIS 00H00"

If you try to combine both you would get the first event containing

  "step" => { "step0" => "> MESSAGE AUTOMATE 03/08/2020 18:39:01 : POUR LA JOURNEE DU 20200731 L'ETAPE UNIP A PRIS 00H00" } }

But in that case in some document you would have to reference [step][step0], and in another [step][step1]. A different field name for every event from the same initial event. I cannot imagine a use-case where that would be desireable.

Thank you a lot it helps me to solve my problem

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