Question: How to add field from Environment plugin in logstash config file. Here is my Config file
filter {
if "exception" not in [tags] {
# example output:
# 2016-12-16 20:43:20,535 DEBUG [CWMP-processor-6] [00D09E-0000000001:1002:C5852D7218635D7B09FE0DDE0FBE75F5:0:] c.twowire.dmc.service.PolicySvcImpl - Device matched policy 1001
# encoder pattern (dmc/conf/logback.xml):
# %date{ISO8601} %-5level [%thread] [%X{username}:%X{deviceId}:%X{sessionId}:%X{userInteraction}:%X{workflowName}] %logger{35} - %msg%n
grok {
match => {
message => "%{DATESTAMP:timestamp} %{LOGLEVEL:level}( +)\[%{DATA:thread}\] \[%{DATA:mdc}\] %{JAVACLASS:class} - %{JAVALOGMESSAGE:logmessage}"
#message => "%{DATESTAMP:timestamp} %{LOGLEVEL:level}( +)\[%{DATA:thread}\] \[%{DATA:mdc}\] %{JAVACLASS:class} - %{GREEDYDATA:logmsg}"
# Record that this is an "log" event.
add_tag => ["log"]
if "log" in [tags] {
grok {
match => {
mdc => "%{DATA:username}:%{DATA:deviceId:int}:%{DATA:sessionId}:%{DATA:userInteraction:int}:%{GREEDYDATA:workflowName}"
date {
timezone => GMT
match => [
# "16-12-16 21:58:20,606"
"timestamp", "yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"
So, how can I add the field to get the source name i.e; to know from which server I am getting the log file?
I tried with the following line but didn't work
add_metadata_from_env => { "SOURCE" => "SKY" } // indicates this log file is from "SKY"
But when I load the index into elastic search I could not able to see my field SKY in kibana.
Could anyone help me with this??