How to check, if a hash is empty (no keys)

I tried to use the same method as for arrays for a hash, that in our case could some times be empty:

if [geoip] == [] {
        mutate {
                remove_field => ["geoip"]

Unfortunately, the check is not working and the empty geoip-hashes slip into the outputs. I then tried to compare [geoip] with {} and got a syntax error. I then tried "{}" (quoted), which had no effect -- the empties still made it. Is it possible to detect an empty hash -- and remove it? Thanks!

I don't think the Logstash configuration language really has hash literals in the same way it has array literals in which case this isn't possible except with a ruby filter.

Could you show, how to do it with the ruby-filter?

Untested but probably works:

event.remove('name-of-field') if !event.get('name-of-field').nil? && event.get('name-of-field').empty?

Thanks, Magnus, I'll try it. Meanwhile, generally speaking, should not the removal of the last key->value pair from a hash remove the now-empty hash automatically?

Ruby does not do it, but Logstash probably can -- and should...

By the way, the get() method is not available in Logstash-2.3, which we are currently using. Fortunately, an event's field can still be accessed through the [] notation (not documented anywhere I could find). But if the field does not exist, the result will be nil, which can not be checked for empty?ness, so my filter reads thus:

	ruby {
                # Initialize the suspects once:
                init => "SuspectFields = ['geoip', 'cdn']"
		code => "
			SuspectFields.each do |field|
				event.remove(field) if event[field].nil? or event[field].empty?

This seems to work. Thanks again for your advice.

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