How to configure dropwizard module?

I have a spring-boot - dropwizard hello world application. The following is a print-screen from jvisualvm of the application ...

This is also what I can see from http://localhost:8080/metrics in a browser:

  "mem" : 467911,
  "" : 306671,
  "processors" : 8,
  "instance.uptime" : 5639045,
  "uptime" : 5643416,
  "systemload.average" : -1.0,
  "heap.committed" : 409088,
  "heap.init" : 262144,
  "heap.used" : 102416,
  "heap" : 3706880,
  "nonheap.committed" : 60184,
  "nonheap.init" : 2496,
  "nonheap.used" : 58823,
  "nonheap" : 0,
  "threads.peak" : 40,
  "threads.daemon" : 28,
  "threads.totalStarted" : 63,
  "threads" : 31,
  "classes" : 7965,
  "classes.loaded" : 7965,
  "classes.unloaded" : 0,
  "gc.ps_scavenge.count" : 14,
  "gc.ps_scavenge.time" : 224,
  "gc.ps_marksweep.count" : 2,
  "gc.ps_marksweep.time" : 75,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.snapshot.98thPercentile" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.exceptions.count" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.snapshot.999thPercentile" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.exceptions.oneMinuteRate" : 0.0,
  "" : 26.0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.exceptions.oneMinuteRate" : 0.0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.snapshot.min" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.exceptions.fiveMinuteRate" : 0.0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.snapshot.95thPercentile" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.oneMinuteRate" : 0.0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.snapshot.98thPercentile" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.snapshot.median" : 0,
  "" : 0.0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.snapshot.75thPercentile" : 0,
  "" : 2,
  "gauge.response.metrics" : 1.0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.snapshot.median" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.fifteenMinuteRate" : 0.0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.exceptions.count" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.snapshot.mean" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.meanRate" : 0.0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.snapshot.min" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.exceptions.meanRate" : 0.0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.exceptions.fifteenMinuteRate" : 0.0,
  "" : 1,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.snapshot.max" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.count" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.snapshot.stdDev" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.fiveMinuteRate" : 0.0,
  "counter.status.200.metrics" : 2405,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.snapshot.75thPercentile" : 0,
  "" : 3268,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.fifteenMinuteRate" : 0.0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.snapshot.max" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.exceptions.meanRate" : 0.0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.snapshot.95thPercentile" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.snapshot.999thPercentile" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.count" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.snapshot.mean" : 0,
  "" : 1.0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.oneMinuteRate" : 0.0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.snapshot.99thPercentile" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.fiveMinuteRate" : 0.0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.snapshot.99thPercentile" : 0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.sayHello.meanRate" : 0.0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.exceptions.fiveMinuteRate" : 0.0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.exceptions.fifteenMinuteRate" : 0.0,
  "com.example.SimpleServiceDelegate.doSomething.snapshot.stdDev" : 0,
  "httpsessions.max" : -1,
  "" : 0

My metricbeat.yml includes this configuration:

#----------------------------- Dropwizard Module -----------------------------
- module: dropwizard
  metricsets: ["collector"]
  period: 2s
  hosts: ["localhost:8080"]
  metrics_path: /metrics/metrics
  namespace: example
  enabled: true

With this configuration I can't get any data from the application. Since there is no description for metrics_path and namespace in elastic's website, I tested many things for these two parameters but with no success :frowning: for example when I use

metrics_path: /metrics/com/example/SimpleServiceDelegate/doSomething/Count
namespace: example

I get HTTP error 404 in collector: 404 in error.message field with no useful hint from DEBUG level logs.

Any help will be appreciated.


That error seems to reflect a page not found when accessing the given path:

Have you tried with metrics_path: /metrics?


Thank you for reply

Yes. Actually when I set metrics_path: /metrics I don't get any response, even no error, but when I set metrics_path: /metrics/metrics I get HTTP error 404 in collector: 404 error.

After posting this question I got suspected to namespace that if this is something related to dropwizard? Searching a bit about it I found another helloworld that namespace is used somewhere in its code. When I run it I can get messages with this configuration:

- module: dropwizard
  metricsets: ["collector"]
  period: 2s
  hosts: ["localhost:8083"]
  metrics_path: /metrics
  namespace: names
  enabled: true

But I don't think namespace: names made any effect, because when I change it to any other string like namespace: zzzzzz I can yet get message with this pattern: dropwizard.zzzzzz.*.
So, it seems that namespace is something related to metricbeat (to categorize messages) not dropwizard!!
Another problem is that using the above configuration the collector metricset collects all metric stuffs from all tools in the apllcation, even from logback and jvm, for example.

      "_index": "myapp-metrics-2018.09.03",
      "_type": "doc",
      "_id": "zcCLn2UB1q2w-uLb3qwo",
      "_version": 1,
      "_score": null,
      "_source": {
        "@version": "1",
        "dropwizard": {
          "zzzzzz": {
            "jvm.gc.PS-MarkSweep.count": {
              "value": 2
            "jvm.memory.heap.committed": {
              "value": 330825728
            "": {
              "value": 383016960
            "com.codahale.dropwizard.jetty.MutableServletContextHandler.5xx-responses": {
              "count": 0,
              "m1_rate": 0,
              "units": "events/second",
              "m15_rate": 0,
              "m5_rate": 0,
              "mean_rate": 0
            "org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnectionFactory.8082.connections": {
              "p99": 0,
              "count": 0,
              "m1_rate": 0,
              "p95": 0,
              "stddev": 0,
              "m15_rate": 0,
              "m5_rate": 0,
              "p50": 0,
              "mean_rate": 0,
              "p999": 0,
              "p98": 0,
              "max": 0,
              "min": 0,
              "duration_units": "seconds",
              "mean": 0,
              "rate_units": "calls/second",
              "p75": 0
            "com.example.helloworld.resources.HelloWorldResource.get-requests": {
              "p99": 0,
              "m1_rate": 0,
              "count": 0,
              "p95": 0,
              "p999": 0,
              "m15_rate": 0,
              "stddev": 0,
              "p50": 0,
              "mean_rate": 0,
              "m5_rate": 0,
              "p98": 0,
              "max": 0,
              "min": 0,
              "duration_units": "seconds",
              "mean": 0,
              "rate_units": "calls/second",
              "p75": 0
           "ch.qos.logback.core.Appender.all": {
              "count": 25,
              "m1_rate": 4.600222073146615,
              "units": "events/second",
              "m15_rate": 1.4325239843009516,
              "m5_rate": 3.8940039153570245,
              "mean_rate": 0.29945654457636356
           "jvm.memory.non-heap.usage": {
              "value": -51127984
            "org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.dw.utilization": {
              "value": 0.96
            "ch.qos.logback.core.Appender.error": {
              "count": 0,
              "m1_rate": 0,
              "units": "events/second",
              "m15_rate": 0,
              "m5_rate": 0,
              "mean_rate": 0
            "jvm.gc.PS-MarkSweep.time": {
              "value": 78
           "jvm.memory.heap.init": {
              "value": 268435456
            "jvm.threads.runnable.count": {
              "value": 40
            "jvm.memory.pools.Code-Cache.usage": {
              "value": 0.03833847045898438
            "": {
              "value": 40491
            "jvm.memory.heap.used": {
              "value": 29903632
            "jvm.threads.terminated.count": {
              "value": 0
            "": {
              "count": 0
            "": {
              "value": 3795845119
            "jvm.threads.blocked.count": {
              "value": 12
           "jvm.memory.non-heap.init": {
              "value": 2555904
          "jvm.memory.non-heap.used": {
              "value": 51127984
           ............................. and many more!
        "host": {
          "name": "UI"
        "beat": {
          "hostname": "UI",
          "name": "UI",
          "version": "6.4.0"
        "@timestamp": "2018-09-03T13:07:47.271Z",
        "fields": {
          "app": "myapp-core",
          "type": "metrics"
        "metricset": {
          "name": "collector",
          "module": "dropwizard",
          "namespace": "dropwizard.zzzzzz",
          "rtt": 9024,
          "host": "localhost:8083"
      "fields": {
        "@timestamp": [
      "sort": [

I know I can filter/delete extra fields in logstash but sending a lot of unnecessary messages increases network band usage. Is there any way to get metrics only from some special classes, only from com.example.helloworld.resources.HelloWorldResource class or its sayHello method in this application, for example?

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