I have an Kibana Elastic Filebeat docker stack and I want to monitor the logs of some NodeJS microservices (that run in docker too). I discovered yesterday ecs-morgan-format and it seems to work well with morgan.
I don't really know how to config my filebeat.yml to recognize the ECS format that are in the logs.
Actually I tried that :
# Disabling monitoring of containers that have a label "filebeat.disable" set to true
- type: docker
#hints.enabled: true
- condition.and:
- not.contains:
docker.container.labels.filebeat.disable: "true"
#Disabling also frontend monitoring so we don't have the logs twice with the nginx module
- not.contains:
docker.container.name: frontend
- not.contains:
docker.container.name: traefik
- type: docker
- "${data.docker.container.id}"
exclude_lines: ['^[[:space:]]*$']
fields_under_root: true
# processors:
# - decode_json_fields:
And the logs I see in kibana are ECS in a 'message' field as it seems Filebeat isn't configured to analyze the ECS and send it to Elasticsearch.
Edit: Here is an example of what I see in Kibana/Elastic (the second entry is good, I enabled a second output)
Thanks for your help