How to convert all field names starting with string to integer

i have tried this block without success
i haven't find a proper way how to use wildcards

filter {
   if [fieldname] =~ /^STAGED.*/ {
        mutate {
            convert => {"[fieldname]" => "integer"}

You would need to use a ruby filter. If the fields are all at the top-level, like

{ "Foo.1": "1", "Bar.1": "1", "Bar.2": "a", "Baz.1": "1" }

then you could use

    ruby {
        code => '
            event.to_hash.each { |k, v|
                if k.start_with?("Bar")
                    event.set(k, v.to_i)

which produces

     "Baz.1" => "1",
     "Bar.2" => 0,
     "Bar.1" => 1,
     "Foo.1" => "1",

If you need to iterate through the fields of the events, as you would for

{ "anArray": [ { "Foo.1": "1", "Bar.1": "1" }, { "Foo.1": "1", "Bar.1": "1" } ] }

you could try something like

    ruby {
        init => '
            def doSomething(object, name, keys, event)
            puts "doSomething called for #{name}"
                if object
                    if object.kind_of?(Hash) and object != {}
                        object.each { |k, v| doSomething(v, "#{name}[#{k}]", keys, event) }
                    elsif object.kind_of?(Array) and object != []
                        object.each_index { |i|
                            doSomething(object[i], "#{name}[#{i}]", keys, event)
                        # name is something like "[anArray][0][Bar.1]"
                        lastElement = name.gsub(/^.*\[/, "").gsub(/\]$/, "")
                        if lastElement.start_with? "Bar"
                            event.set(name, object.to_i)
        code => '
            event.to_hash.each { |k, v|
                doSomething(v, "[#{k}]", @field, event)

which produces

   "anArray" => [
    [0] {
        "Bar.1" => 1,
        "Foo.1" => "1"
    [1] {
        "Bar.1" => 1,
        "Foo.1" => "1"

i have a key value file.


i need to scan the file for every key starting with STAGED and change it to integer

OK, so the first solution should work for you.

god dammit it worked!!!!!!!!!!
can i ask another question?
if i need to add or like

if X or Y or Z how can i do this in ruby?

thank you so much for your help i really appriciate it!!!

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