How to convert nummeric values 201901020 into date 02.01.2019

Hi all,

I need your help with this case:
How can I convert fields containing values like 201901020 into date 02.01.2019
(the last zero of the value is useless but there)

I tried different mappings using follwoing simple but no success so far:

	date {
	match => [ "FIELD_b", "WHATKINDOFMAPPING ?" ]
	target => "FIELD_c"

Thanks for your help

I haven't tested it, but "yyyyMMdd'0'" might work (not sure which way around month and day are where you live, so you might need to reverse them).

thanks for your reply.

No its not working!
I tried also to escape the ' and or in combination with ISO8601, UNIX, UNIX_MS
Only if I use UNIX then I it'll mapped to a date field but with wrong Date!

Any suggestions?

Here, you can try.

	mutate {
        #omit the last character
		gsub => [ "message", ".{1}$", "" ]

	date {
		match => [ "message", "yyyyMMdd"]
		target => "FIELD_c"

you might specify the timezone if required.

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OK, so how exactly does it not work. When I run

input { generator { count => 1 lines => [ '' ] } }
filter {
    mutate { add_field => { "FIELD_b" => "201901020" } }
    date { match => [ "FIELD_b", "yyyyMMdd'0'" ] target => "FIELD_c" }
output { stdout { codec => rubydebug { metadata => false } } }

I get

    "@timestamp" => 2020-01-30T17:45:53.334Z,
  "sequence" => 0,
   "FIELD_b" => "201901020",
   "FIELD_c" => 2019-01-02T05:00:00.000Z

which surely appears to be working to me.

yes, both works, I had to rechecked my config, thanks :slight_smile:

      "@version" => "1",
       "FIELD_b" => "201901020",
       "message" => "",
    "@timestamp" => 2020-01-31T23:38:17.975Z,
       "FIELD_c" => 2019-01-02T23:00:00.000Z,
      "sequence" => 0

Thanks for this solution =)

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