How to convert string to JSON?

My logstash configuration is:
input {
codec => json_lines {charset => "CP1251"}
output {

But there is a problem that I can recieve string to already mapped as object field.
In that case in elasticsearch occures an error and I lose this line in the results:

org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperParsingException: object mapping for [] tried to parse field [body] as object, but found a concrete value

I tried mutate/replace or
if [detail][data][response][body]
if [detail][data][response][body] == "Unauthorized"
source => "[detail][data][response][body]"

but had no success. Can you help me, please?

The mapping of is inconsistent with the data you're attempting to index. What kind of value(s) should contain? An object or a value? What are you trying to index? Comment out the elasticsearch output and add a stdout { codec => rubydebug } output.

As usual it comes as json:
"body":{"values":[], etc}
But sometimes I recieve
"body":"Not Found"

I would like to replace this kinds of strings with
"body":{"thesebeautifulpeoplegavemeastring":"Not Found"}

[2017-10-05T17:16:21,702][DEBUG][o.e.a.b.TransportShardBulkAction] [test_node_name] [logstash-2017.10.05][1] failed to execute bulk item (index) BulkShardRequest [[logstash-2017.10.05][1]] containing [10] requests
org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperParsingException: object mapping for [] tried to parse field [body] as object, but found a concrete value

I think you'll have to use a ruby filter to check whether the value is a string and, if so, convert it to a hash. Something like

if event.get('body').is_a? String
  event.set('body', {"thesebeautifulpeoplegavemeastring" => "Unauthorized"})

might work.

looks like what I wanted, but when i added filter

	if [detail][data][response][body]
			code => "
			if event.get('').is_a? String
				event.set('', {'givenstring' => event.get('')})

the logstash began to restart all the time and became unresponsive

try event.get('[detail][data][response][body]')


	if [detail][data][response][body]
			code => "
			if event.get('[detail][data][response][body]').is_a? String
				event.set('[detail][data][response][body]', {'[detail][data][response][body][givenstring]' => event.get('[detail][data][response][body]')})

didnt work, again infinite restart

What's the error message?


{'[detail][data][response][body][givenstring]' => event.get('[detail][data][response][body]')}

should be:

{'givenstring' => event.get('[detail][data][response][body]')}
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A) Post some lines from the console output to show the infinite restart - usually, there is some details that we can use to troubleshoot.

B) Which version of Logstash are you using?

C) try:

  if [detail][data][response][body]
    { init => '
        BODY_PATH = "[detail][data][response][body]".freeze
        BODY_STRING = "[givenstring]".freeze
      code => '
        body_val = event.get(BODY_PATH)
        if body_val.is_a?(String)
          event.set(BODY_PATH, {BODY_STRING => body_val})

About the Ruby code.

  1. Create strings once as Ruby Constants in the plugin initialization. This prevents unnecessary string creation for every filter invocation - the event.set will deconstruct the path reference into new string parts internally anyway so a new string each time is a waste.
  2. Freeze the Constants, this will prevent other code from changing them.
  3. Extract the value to a local variable once and reuse.

That works perfectly! Thank you very much! Especially for explanation!

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