How to create a filebeat processor?

We want to use filebeat to gather mysql slow log. I want to create a filebeat processor to convert mysql slow log to json format and add a sql fingerprint field.
I find a related issue here:

I follow up the issue but encounter an error:

[root@c3-b2c-dba-dbshard17 filebeat-7.4.0]# ./filebeat -e -c filebeat.yml --plugin
Exiting: plugin.Open("sql_fingerprint"): plugin was built with a different version of package

We use filebeat 7.4.0 version online, I find that this version filebeat is compiled by go 1.12.9.

[root@c3-b2c-dba-dbshard17 filebeat-7.4.0]# ./filebeat version
filebeat version 7.4.0 (amd64), libbeat 7.4.0 [f940c36884d3749901a9c99bea5463a6030cdd9c built 2019-09-27 07:45:44 +0000 UTC]

git checkout f940c36884d3749901a9c99bea5463a6030cdd9c

[root@sgp2-b2c-b2cop-beta-neo-node01 beats]# cat .go-version

The steps I use to create processor:

  1. Install go 1.12.9
  2. git clone filebeat repo
  3. git checout f940c36884d3749901a9c99bea5463a6030cdd9c
  4. write code in {go/src}
  5. cd {go/src} and build plugin with:
    GO111MODULE=on go build -mod=vendor -buildmode=plugin
  6. use the generated by step 4 and run:
[root@c3-b2c-dba-dbshard17 filebeat-7.4.0]# ./filebeat -e -c filebeat.yml --plugin
Exiting: plugin.Open("sql_fingerprint"): plugin was built with a different version of package


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Actually you don't need to touch Go code, you can always use script processor: . Please take a look and tell if it meets your needs.

I tried. There is another problem, I want to calculate sql fingerprint with another program. Can script processor call local program, such as shell?

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