How to create multiple events in logstash to push multiple request in elasticsearch

I have logstash configuration. I want to take data from one event manipulate the data and create multiple events and push that events to elasticsearch.
"activity" : "meeting",
"clientName" : "ABC/XYZ/LMN"
"Duration" : 60

above example shows my original event message.
But I want to divide that message into three json objects (events) like below:
"activity" : "meeting",
"clientName" : "ABC"
"Duration" : 20
"activity" : "meeting",
"clientName" : "XYZ"
"Duration" : 20
"activity" : "meeting",
"clientName" : "LMN"
"Duration" : 20

A decent solution would be the split filter along with some custom Ruby code most likely, especially if you want to do field manipulation like your duration example.


filter {
    ruby {
        code => "
            event.set('clientName', event.get('clientName').split('/'))
            event.set('Duration', event.get('Duration').to_i / event.get('clientName').length)
    split {
        field => "clientName"

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