How to differentiate between field references and list memberships with "in"/"not in"?

If I have a sample event:

{ "client" => "someone" }

I'm curious as to what is going on in the following logstash configurations.

Configuration A:

if [client] not in ["someone", "foo"] {
  // do something...

Configuration B:

if [client] not in ["someone"] {
  // do something...

In A, the conditional is true, but in B it is not. The only thing I can think of is that in B it's treating "someone" as a field. Is there a way to force it to be treated as a single element list?

If you are using "not in" then I would not expect A to match :wink:

Configuration A is testing whether the value of the client field is in a set of strings. You want configuration B to test whether the value of the client field is a particular string. Why not use == ?

I want both A and B to test for membership in a list of strings, the only difference between them is the number of elements in the list. I'm generating the lists dynamically using another templating language so I could detect the single element case and have a condition for that to use "==" and if it's more than one use "in", but I'm wondering if there is a cleaner way to go about that.

I suppose another way to ask the question is can I use "in" with single element lists?

I am not an expert in how logstash parses its configuration, but I cannot find a way to get it to parse it the way you want.

Your thought process is correct, but you've probably stumbled on this
issue 1 , 2.
One solution proposed in there is to add a preset "dummy" value in the array, so it will never be a single-element one.

Otherwise, if your //Do something part is not very large, you could perform the same check using custom Ruby code.

Thank you for the replies. I'm going to go with the dummy value approach.

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