How to disable logstash add default field automatically?

I am using Logstash and Elasticsearch as my backup database. Recently, I discovered an error related to Logstash using the JSON codec to decode my input file JSON. If the JSON does not contain a 'host' field, Logstash automatically inserts the 'host' field. However, some data in my JSON already contains a 'host' field, resulting in different data types for the 'host' field across different documents. This causes errors when Elasticsearch tries to create the template. How can I disable Logstash from automatically adding this field?

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  1. You can disable ECS on the input level or pipeline ( pipeline.ecs_compatibility: disabled ) . I assume that you are using the elasticsearch plugin.
input {
  elasticsearch {
        hosts => "localhost"
        query => '{ "query": { "match": { "statuscode": 200 } }, "sort": [ "_doc" ] }'
        ecs_compatibility  => "disabled"
  1. Another option is to remove/update the field manually:
if [host][name]=="logstashhostname" {
mutate { remove_field => [ "host"] } 

# or update to empty string ""
 mutate { update => { "[host][name]" => "" } }