How to do split into array of object

i am new to logstash

my SQL output is like below


i need to convert into

"firstName" : "Jayaraj",
"lastName" : "Jaganathan",
"permissionList" : [
{ "name" : "BLK_RTE_APPRV" } ,
{ "name" : "PLACE_GPO" } ,
{ "name" : "ORD_AUTH" }

i tried multiple options, i din't get desired out put

my .conf look like below

mutate {
split => {"permissions" => ","}
rename => {
"firstname" => "firstName"
"lastname" => "lastName"

need helpPreformatted text

mutate+split will get you

"permissions" => [
    [0] "BLK_RTE_APPRV",
    [1] "PLACE_GPO",
    [2] "ORD_AUTH"

You will have to use ruby to get the format you want.

    ruby {
        code => '
            a = []
            event.get("permissions").each { |x|
                a << { "name" => x }
            event.set("permissionsList", a)

It works , thanks a lot

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